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Top 10 Articles Published in Trinucleotide Repeats

已有 3577 次阅读 2011-6-2 11:45 |个人分类:Science in action|系统分类:科研笔记

List 1: Top 10 Articles Published in the Same Domain in the Past 6 Months


Note: when none of the articles in the list is relevant to your topic, this means there haven't been new publications on your topic in this time-frame.

Mancuso M, Sammarco MC, Grabczyk E: Transposon Tn7 preferentially inserts into GAA*TTC triplet repeats under conditions conducive to Y*R*Y triplex formation. PLoS One; 2010;5(6):e11121
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Storvik KA, Foster PL: The SMC-like protein complex SbcCD enhances DNA polymerase IV-dependent spontaneous mutation in Escherichia coli. J Bacteriol; 2011 Feb;193(3):660-9
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(潘学峰)Pan X, Liao Y, Liu Y, Chang P, Liao L, Yang L, Li H: Transcription of AAT•ATT triplet repeats in Escherichia coli is silenced by H-NS and IS1E transposition. PLoS One; 2010;5(12):e14271
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Holloway TP, Rowley SM, Delatycki MB, Sarsero JP: Detection of interruptions in the GAA trinucleotide repeat expansion in the FXN gene of Friedreich ataxia. Biotechniques; 2011 Mar;50(3):182-6
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Chae H, Han K, Kim KS, Park H, Lee J, Lee Y: Rho-dependent termination of ssrS (6S RNA) transcription in Escherichia coli: implication for 3' processing of 6S RNA and expression of downstream ygfA (putative 5-formyl-tetrahydrofolate cyclo-ligase). J Biol Chem; 2011 Jan 7;286(1):114-22
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Renčiuk D, Kypr J, Vorlíčková M: CGG repeats associated with fragile X chromosome form left-handed Z-DNA structure. Biopolymers; 2011 Mar;95(3):174-81
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Kim H, Lee BS, Tomita M, Kanai A: Transcription-associated mutagenesis increases protein sequence diversity more effectively than does random mutagenesis in Escherichia coli. PLoS One; 2010;5(5):e10567
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Dornenburg JE, Devita AM, Palumbo MJ, Wade JT: Widespread antisense transcription in Escherichia coli. MBio; 2010 Apr;1(1)
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Krylov AA, Airich LG, Kiseleva EM, Minaeva NI, Biryukova IV, Mashko SV: Conditional silencing of the Escherichia coli pykF gene results from artificial convergent transcription protected from Rho-dependent termination. J Mol Microbiol Biotechnol; 2010;18(1):1-13
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Tran L, van Baarsel JA, Washburn RS, Gottesman ME, Miller JH: Single-Gene Deletion Mutants of Escherichia coli with Altered Sensitivity to Bicyclomycin, an Inhibitor of Transcription Termination Factor Rho. J Bacteriol; 2011 May;193(9):2229-35
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List 2: Top 10 Articles Published in the Same Domain Since Your Publication

Note: when none of the articles in the list is relevant to your topic, this means there haven't been new publications on your topic in this time-frame.

(潘学峰)Pan X, Ding Y, Shi L: The roles of SbcCD and RNaseE in the transcription of GAA x TTC repeats in Escherichia coli. DNA Repair (Amst); 2009 Nov 2;8(11):1321-7
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Mancuso M, Sammarco MC, Grabczyk E: Transposon Tn7 preferentially inserts into GAA*TTC triplet repeats under conditions conducive to Y*R*Y triplex formation. PLoS One; 2010;5(6):e11121
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Zahradka K, Buljubasić M, Petranović M, Zahradka D: Roles of ExoI and SbcCD nucleases in "reckless" DNA degradation in recA mutants of Escherichia coli. J Bacteriol; 2009 Mar;191(5):1677-87
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Bourn RL, Rindler PM, Pollard LM, Bidichandani SI: E. coli mismatch repair acts downstream of replication fork stalling to stabilize the expanded (GAA.TTC)(n) sequence. Mutat Res; 2009 Feb 10;661(1-2):71-7
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Punga T, Bühler M: Long intronic GAA repeats causing Friedreich ataxia impede transcription elongation. EMBO Mol Med; 2010 Apr;2(4):120-9
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Tang W, Dominska M, Greenwell PW, Harvanek Z, Lobachev KS, Kim HM, Narayanan V, Mirkin SM, Petes TD: Friedreich's ataxia (GAA)n•(TTC)n repeats strongly stimulate mitotic crossovers in Saccharomyces cerevisae. PLoS Genet; 2011;7(1):e1001270
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Bergquist H, Nikravesh A, Fernández RD, Larsson V, Nguyen CH, Good L, Zain R: Structure-specific recognition of Friedreich's ataxia (GAA)n repeats by benzoquinoquinoxaline derivatives. Chembiochem; 2009 Nov 2;10(16):2629-37
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Ditch S, Sammarco MC, Banerjee A, Grabczyk E: Progressive GAA.TTC repeat expansion in human cell lines. PLoS Genet; 2009 Oct;5(10):e1000704
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Ku S, Soragni E, Campau E, Thomas EA, Altun G, Laurent LC, Loring JF, Napierala M, Gottesfeld JM: Friedreich's ataxia induced pluripotent stem cells model intergenerational GAA⋅TTC triplet repeat instability. Cell Stem Cell; 2010 Nov 5;7(5):631-7
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Ramírez-Santos J, García-Mata V, Poggio S, Camarena L, Gómez-Eichelmann MC: Role of single-strand DNA 3'-5' exonuclease ExoI and nuclease SbcCD in stationary-phase mutation in Escherichia coli K-12. Arch Microbiol; 2009 Feb;191(2):185-90
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List 3: Top 10 Articles Published in the Same Domain, All Time

(潘学峰)Pan X, Ding Y, Shi L: The roles of SbcCD and RNaseE in the transcription of GAA x TTC repeats in Escherichia coli. DNA Repair (Amst); 2009 Nov 2;8(11):1321-7
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Ohshima K, Montermini L, Wells RD, Pandolfo M: Inhibitory effects of expanded GAA.TTC triplet repeats from intron I of the Friedreich ataxia gene on transcription and replication in vivo. J Biol Chem; 1998 Jun 5;273(23):14588-95
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Burnett R, Melander C, Puckett JW, Son LS, Wells RD, Dervan PB, Gottesfeld JM: DNA sequence-specific polyamides alleviate transcription inhibition associated with long GAA.TTC repeats in Friedreich's ataxia. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A; 2006 Aug 1;103(31):11497-502
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Sakamoto N, Ohshima K, Montermini L, Pandolfo M, Wells RD: Sticky DNA, a self-associated complex formed at long GAA*TTC repeats in intron 1 of the frataxin gene, inhibits transcription. J Biol Chem; 2001 Jul 20;276(29):27171-7
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Sakamoto N, Larson JE, Iyer RR, Montermini L, Pandolfo M, Wells RD: GGA*TCC-interrupted triplets in long GAA*TTC repeats inhibit the formation of triplex and sticky DNA structures, alleviate transcription inhibition, and reduce genetic instabilities. J Biol Chem; 2001 Jul 20;276(29):27178-87
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Ruan H, Wang YH: Friedreich's ataxia GAA.TTC duplex and GAA.GAA.TTC triplex structures exclude nucleosome assembly. J Mol Biol; 2008 Nov 7;383(2):292-300
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Krasilnikova MM, Kireeva ML, Petrovic V, Knijnikova N, Kashlev M, Mirkin SM: Effects of Friedreich's ataxia (GAA)n*(TTC)n repeats on RNA synthesis and stability. Nucleic Acids Res; 2007;35(4):1075-84
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Grabczyk E, Usdin K: The GAA*TTC triplet repeat expanded in Friedreich's ataxia impedes transcription elongation by T7 RNA polymerase in a length and supercoil dependent manner. Nucleic Acids Res; 2000 Jul 15;28(14):2815-22
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Potaman VN, Oussatcheva EA, Lyubchenko YL, Shlyakhtenko LS, Bidichandani SI, Ashizawa T, Sinden RR: Length-dependent structure formation in Friedreich ataxia (GAA)n*(TTC)n repeats at neutral pH. Nucleic Acids Res; 2004;32(3):1224-31
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Jain A, Rajeswari MR, Ahmed F: Formation and thermodynamic stability of intermolecular (R*R*Y) DNA triplex in GAA/TTC repeats associated with Freidreich's ataxia. J Biomol Struct Dyn; 2002 Feb;19(4):691-9
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