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分子水平的食疗 精选

已有 14151 次阅读 2011-5-12 06:48 |个人分类:食疗祛病|系统分类:科普集锦| 食疗, 脂肪肝, 肝衰竭, 病毒感染, 代谢障碍



食疗是现代医学不可或缺的一部分。如果现代医学用食疗治病,相应的食疗方案就是治愈、减缓、以及控制疾病的灵 丹妙药,其地位与效果没有其它方式可以取代。这里我报告一个分子水平的食疗案例,它可以清晰地表明现代医学能够,也会在将来为中国的普通民众提供的救命良方。限于目前中国的医疗水平,此类良方对绝大多数中国人可望而不可及。

这一案例发表在《新英格兰医学杂志》上,作者为灰尔润医生(Dr. Marsha K. Fearing)等人(N Engl J Med 2011; 364:1545-1556).

一个顺产婴儿在9个月时发病前都健康地成长,发育正常,按照美国推荐接种方案接种了各种疫苗。在入院一个月前他有过一次呼吸道感染,然后就是两天前开始发病,有“乏力、烦燥、鼻涕、间断呕吐、以及无血性腹泻”等症状,都是婴幼儿普通 的病毒感染(比如感冒)中常见的症状。因此,在当地一家诊所他得到对乙酰胺基酚(婴儿泰诺)的治疗。














The Age of Molecular Level Nutritional Therapy


Nutritional therapy is an old idea that has been constantly abused in modern society. There is a general trend among Chinese science writers to reject the idea of nutritional or food therapy altogether because of the rampant abuse by scammers of nutritional therapy.

Nutrition is an integral part of modern medicine. When nutritional therapy is indicated, the specific nutritional approach is indeed the silver bullet that cures, alleviates, and contains diseases. Their roles in medicine are non-substitutable. I report here of a case of molecular level nutritional therapy, which clearly illustrate what modern medicine can and will offer.

This case is published in New England Journal of Medicine by Dr. Marsha K. Fearing and colleagues (N Engl J Med 2011; 364:1545-1556).

A healthy baby was delivered full term and lived a perfect healthy life until he was 9 month old. He was following regular vaccination schedules and developed normally. He had a respiratory infection one month before this admission. Then two days before admission, he developed symptoms including “lethargy, irritability, rhinorrhea, intermittent vomiting, and nonbloody diarrhea”, nothing you would not expect out of a usual virus infection (common cold) of babies and small children. Therefore, he was treated as such with acetaminophen (infant Tylenol).

After one day, the symptoms progressed and he was brought to emergency department of Massachusetts General Hospital. His physical examination revealed slightly increased temperature and everything else was about normal. He underwent many lab screening tests, CT, and ultrasonography extensively of multiple organs. The only significant findings are “a markedly enlarged liver with diffuse hypoattenuation consistent with fatty infiltration and pericholecystic fluid.” In common language, the liver is suspected to have problems related to fat.

The child was then screened for multiple viruses that could potentially cause liver infection and none was identified. His condition continued to worsen while expanded lab and CT tests always come back as normal. He was experiencing liver failure but the doctors had been struggling to identify the cause. Tylenol toxicity was a common cause for liver failure in children, however, this possibility was ruled out with lab test early on.

Had this baby been in most of the other countries in the world, he would be diagnosed as liver failure with unknown cause and quickly accepted his fate. He had quickly become stuporous upon admitting to intensive care unit and unresponsive to pain stimulation.

Even in U.S., about half of liver failures in children were without a clear diagnosis. Otherwise the common cause of liver failure includes drug toxicity (mainly acetaminophen) for 16%, metabolic disorders for 10%, viruses for 6%, and ischemia for 4%. The most common cause for those with indeterminate diagnosis is suspected as metabolic diseases. Autoimmune diseases also contribute significantly to liver failure with unknown diagnosis.

The doctors did extensive studies of this young patient that excluded diagnoses other than metabolic disorders. The common causes of metabolic disorders include cholestasis, fatty-oxidation defects, cholesteryl ester storage disease, glycogen storage diseases, and cystic fibrosis. If this child was older—close or up to 3 years of age, Wilson’s disease where copper accumulation in tissues would be considered. This genetic disease is the most common cause of liver failure among metabolic conditions for older children and young adults.

By exclusion, the doctors narrowed the cause of liver failure in this child down to two conditions, either fatty acid-oxidation defects or cholesteryl ester storage disorders. Then they performed a liver biopsy, which is risky under this critical condition. Many of the coagulation factors are produced by liver. When the liver fails, the blood is anti-coagulated, i.e., it takes longer time for blood to form blood clots to stop bleeding.

With electron microscopy and other pathological examination, the child was diagnosed as diffuse microvesicular and macrovesicular steatosis (small bubble and big bubble fat accumulation). Fat had been accumulating in his liver cells. Too much fat in cells will drive out everything else. The cells will malfunction and ultimately die.

A diagnosis of fat accumulation in liver cells is still a crude diagnosis because there are numerous factors could contribute to the diagnosis. Fat metabolism involves the mitochondrial system, including oxidative phosphorylation, fatty acid oxidation, and ureagenesis. Any of the processes go wrong, fat cannot be breakdown in the liver cells, it will accumulate. Drugs and toxins can cause steatosis. For example, aspirin, valproic acid, tetracycline, and iron overload and poisoning can cause steatosis. For common knowledge, if a fatty liver happens in adults, alcoholism is one of the most common causes. In this child all the drug and toxin causes had been ruled out.

After drugs and toxins excluded, doctors were left with intrinsic metabolic defects that are always caused by genetic factors. One of such conditions is worth mentioning is LCHAD deficiency. It’s an autosomal recessive disease. LCHAD stands for long-chain 3-hydroxyacyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase. Lack of this enzyme causes accumulation of medium and long chain fatty acids. It happens in fetus. When fetus cannot breakdown those fatty acids, they are kicked back to the mother through the placenta. When mother’s liver is overwhelmed, it fails, causing what is called acute fatty liver of pregnancy. Traditionally, the mother always dies. With modern technology, four out of five can survive.

Currently there are six known disorders involving various enzymes for fatty metabolism in infants. Based on clinical presentation, doctors narrowed down their diagnoses to two, CACT and CPT2 deficiency. Either condition will cause accumulation of very-long-chain fatty acids in the liver. Scientists at Baylor College of Medicine sequenced genes of the child. It was found that the gene coding CACT (SLC25A20) contains three mutations while CPT2 gene was intact. This condition was identified less than 30 cases worldwide.

CACT stands for carnitine acylcarnitine translocase. It is one of three enzymes (CPT1/CACT/CPT2) that facilitate transportation of long-chain fatty acids into mitochondria to be breakdown for energy. Carnitine is critical for the process. Humans acquire 75% of their carnitine from meat, dairy, and soybean products.

Once the diagnosis is elucidated on molecular level, the treatment is unbelievably simple. One thing he cannot have is long-chain fatty acids. His dietary consists of very low content of long-chain fatty acids. The doctors also put him on ursodeoxycholic acid, a medication that reduces fat absorption. When we fast, the body tends to burn fat for energy, which was to be avoided in this child. He was suggested to take frequent meals. His dietary is also supplemented with carnitine, which enhances his limited capability to metabolize long-chain fatty acids.

At the time of publication of this case, this child was 3 years of age and developed very well. Had the doctors not been able to make an accurate diagnosis, the boy may have died from the food he ate. Molecular level diagnosis and dietary therapy saved his life. This is one of our futures in medicine.


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