Reaching out across the Web .. ...分享 Zuojun Yu, physical oceanographer, freelance English editor


中国“科学网大学”英文服务中心招聘启事 (revised)

已有 4479 次阅读 2011-4-9 09:25 |个人分类:Scientific Writing|系统分类:论文交流| 招聘启事, 科学网大学, 英文服务中心

Do you want to help your fellow Chinese with their English abstracts? If you do and if you have a Blog site at the SciNet, you are welcome to apply.

A test will be given, which is to edit an abstract. If you pass, you are in.

Note: Please treat the abstract in the email attachment as a confidential document, as you would for a manuscript sent to you by a journal editor.

Turn on "track changes" so that the changes you make can be seen easily. You should make only the necessary changes, instead of rewriting it. Save the edited file with *_edYour-Last-Name (e.g., *_edYu.doc), and send it back to me via email.

ps. Why do I add a new condition that the applicant should have a Blog site at SciNet? Well, even though the editing service is free, we need to keep the content of the abstract confidential because it may reveal some new results that could be reproduced quickly by others. This is a common practice in editing business. Your Blog at SciNet is your "credential."


下一篇:“科学网大学”英文服务中心 staff (updated)
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