2005年卡培克(V. Cápek)和希汉(D.P. Sheehan)所著的“对热力学第二定律的挑战: 理论和实验 (Challenges to the Second Law of Thermodynamics: Theory and Experiment)” 一书就是一个方面的代表. 该书强调第二定律
一旦建立即放任地繁衍出各种表述形式; …它们并非全都等价的, 也就是说, 满足了一个式子不一定能满足另一个式子. 某些形式相互覆盖的, 而另一些则似乎是完全不同的定律. (Once established, it settled in and multiplied wantonly; ... . Not all formulations are equivalent, such that to satisfy one is not necessary to satisfy another. Some versions overlap, while others appear to be entirely distinct laws.)
另一方面, 挑战来自于少数经典(或传统)的热力学家. 他们主要是夸大经典热力学的作用和适用范围, 同时试图把整个热力学的适用范围局限于经典热力学的适用范围以内, 即认为经典(或传统)热力学就是热力学的全部. 例如, 在2005年克莱登(A. Kleidon)和劳伦兹(R.D. Lorenz) 编辑的 “非平衡热力学和熵产生—生命, 地球及其他(Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics and the Production of Entropy – Life, Earth, and Beyond)” 一书中倾向于把各种复杂的问题都归结为基于经典热力学的 “最大熵原理(maximum entropy principle)”. 他们在 “前言”中以爱因斯坦在1949年的一句名言为自豪, 即爱因斯坦说过:
一个理论, 如果它的前提越简单, 而且能说明各种类型的问题越多, 应用的范围越广, 那么它给人们的印象就越深刻. 因此, 经典热力学给我留下了深刻的印象. 经典热力学是具有普遍内容的唯一物理理论. 我深信在其基本概念适用的范围内是绝不会被推翻的. (A theory is more impressive the greater the simplicity of its premises is, the more different kinds of things it relates, and the more extended its area of applicability. Therefore the deep impression which classical thermodynamics made upon me. It is the only physical theory of universal content concerning which I am convinced that, within the framework of the applicability of its basic concepts, it will never be overthrown.)