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已有 3730 次阅读 2010-11-19 15:09 |个人分类:未分类|系统分类:博客资讯| 简介, 海南广播电视大学学报

A Brief Introduction to Journal of Hainan Radio & TV University

The Journal of Hainan Radio & TV University is an academic quarterly in Chinese, paged 158, officially published at home and abroad from 2000 on 28th of the last month of each quarterISSN 1009-9743,CN 46-1061/G4. It is the only comprehensive periodical in Hainan that focuses mainly on modern distance education research and that of other different subjects, including columns of literature, language, education, teaching, politics, economics, law and so on. It is also a corner for teachers and scholars to publish their research papers on the reform and development of TV universities’ distance education and teaching, management and technology. It has some influence both home and abroad and been included in Ulrich's Periodicals Directory and more than ten authorative databases domestic such as CNKI. By mid 2009, 17 theoretical research theses had been reproduced and abstract reproduced by the information center of Renmin University, China, 344 indexed, which was extensively praised by peer experts. From 2011, titles, abstracts and keywords of theses will be printed in English.

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《海南广播电视大学学报》是国内外公开发行的国家正式学报类期刊(ISSN 1009-9743,CN 46-1061/G4),是海南省唯一的以进行现代远程教育研究为主同时兼顾其他各学科研究的综合性刊物(季刊、汉文),158页,每季度最后一个月的28日出版,是所有有志于电大现代远程教育事业改革与发展、努力进行各学科理论探索的教学、管理、技术和研究人员的科研园地。设有文学、语言、教育、教学、政治、经济、法学等栏目。2000年公开发行,各栏目对理论问题的探讨有17篇被中国人大复印资料全文转载、摘要转载,344篇文章被收为索引,得到全国同行专家学者的普遍认可和好评。学报早已被美国《乌利希国际期刊指南》收录,并被中国知网等十余家权威数据库收录,在国内外学术界有一定影响。2011年起将全面以英文印刷标题、摘要、关键词。





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