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lost in the sea

已有 3672 次阅读 2010-9-19 20:44 |个人分类:生活点滴|系统分类:生活其它| research, Life, CHILDREN

i am now wandering around the library, being so confertable with  the smell of the books but having no interest in any word, especially the small english charactors.

children are lovely creatures, don't you think so? is is so fun to be with children. how lovely their inmagination is. how frankly their speach is. they are just like the new born grass, give you all hope and freshment.

it is so hard to understand that as a science of such lovely creature_child psychology could be presented in such a boring way. why must we use adult language to describe the word of children? why must we write in such a fixed way? why we care about so many useless hypotheses?

if tomorrow is the last day, what will i do today? the article i just read this morning will predict that i will focus on emotional goal. i will go to people who could make me happy, my love, my family and my friends. i guess it is true this time. at the end of the life people will appreciate what they already have in life instead of pursueing anything else. however, tomorrow will be another day, my life will still go on. i need to do more than just enjoy myself with those who are imtate to me. i may have another 60 years to live, wich allows me to do many things, and so give me a sense of possibility. how should i spend the hours god have planed for me? just walk the way most people have walked so that people could feel comfortable with me or just walk like a blind, go to where the road lead me to or seek a way nobody has set foot in? but is there a road where no one hase been? of course not. no people no road as LuXun said "there is no way in the world until people walk on it." so new road should be created instead of being found.

looking back of my life, i was walking happily on the road which was in front of me and have now got to some where so called higher than my counterparts in my home town. and absolutely i am surpposed go on to climb to higher places.      but now  different views are attacting me. i was throw into the sea.


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