施,饶为国内生命科学研究的领军人物,should be well funded,尚如此批评中国的基金评审制度,可见问题之普遍, 严重,‘冰冻三尺,非一日之寒’。原因讲得很好,一为制度'system', 二为文化‘culture’. 或许,国家自然科学基金尚依科研水平为评判标准,但超大项目'megaproject'呢?谁来监督?
英文原文用了几个有意思的词:'To obtain major grants in China, that doing good research is not as important as schmoozing with powerful ....'. 这个schmooze, 意为chat in a friendly way。但这个词尚不能说出‘巴结'的意思。
'... corrupts the spirit, and stymies innovation', stymy即hinder,阻碍;
最后'become the major pillar of a system that nurtures, rather than squanders, the innovation potential of China', 这里squander是waste的意思。