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已有 7881 次阅读 2010-8-31 04:16 |个人分类:学习交流|系统分类:观点评述| 博士生, 失败

    说来惭愧,在申请时没耐心把学校60+的教授阵容看完,于是趁着走之前开始补课,也为之后的rotation做准备吧。翻到了Christos Kozyrakis的主页,看到了这么一份slides:How to have a bad career as a Stanford graduate student,读完竟然大受感动,特上来分享。


     Advice for a Bad Career While a Graduate Student:

     1. Concentrating on getting good grades: postpone research involvement: might lower GPA

     2. Minimize number and flavors of courses: may affect GPA

     3. Don't trust your advisor: Advisor is only interested in his or her own career, not yours

     4. Only work the number of hours per week you are paid: even less is possible

     5. Concentrate on graduating as fast as possible: Winner is first in class to Ph.D. People only care about that you have a Ph.D. and your GPA, not on what you know.

     6. Don’t spend a summer in industry: takes longer: How could industry experience help with selecting Ph.D. topic?

     7. Don’t work on large projects: takes longer: Have to talk to others, have to learn different areas

     8. Don’t go to conferences: It costs money and takes time; you’ll have plenty of time to learn the
field after graduating

     9. Don’t waste time polishing writing or talks: Again, that takes time

     10. Worry too much about the Quals: Their only purpose is to make you look stupid & fail. They also take time, lower GPA, delay graduation. Make it the goal of your life for the first couple of years. Don’t take them your first year, more likely you will fail.

     11. Never read on your own: What’s the advisor for if you have to pick your own readings?

     12. Work in the specific area you applied for: Leverage your previous experience, graduate faster

     13. Don’t worry at all about research funding: It's your advisor's job to keep you “in the money”

     14. Worry a lot about research funding: If you don’t have a fellowship, you are a 2nd class citizen. If you are asked to TA, you are a 3rd class citizen


上一篇:A reading list for networks
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