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已有 5737 次阅读 2010-8-23 21:48 |个人分类:科学论坛|系统分类:观点评述| CCAST, 论坛与研讨会总结报告






2010年“第六届全国网络科学论坛暨第二届全国混沌应用研讨会”, 在中国高等科学技术中心资助下,并与中国原子能科学研究院、北京电子科技学院和中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院共同组织,已于201072631日在北京科学院基础圆区中国高等科学技术交流中心举行,参会者包括院士、研究员、教授、高校老师、博士后、博士,博士生、硕士生和本科生共约104人。













同时,上述会议报告也安排发表在中国高等科学技术中心网站上(the CCAST-WL Webside)请看: www.ccast.ac.cn/workshop这些报告内容广泛,各具特色,颇有创新,基本涵盖了近年来我国网络科学和混沌应用领域若干重要课题的研究进展和丰硕成果,前沿课题研究颇有深度,提出了新概念,例如互联网虚拟大脑和网库等,混沌保密通讯等应用已经有了实际进展和成果(如已经在海关使用等)。总之,整个网络科学论坛与混沌研讨会达到了预期的目标,实现了高水平、高效率和高收获。











 Summary on

“The 6th China National Forum on

Network Science & The Second China National Workshop on Chaos Application ”


“The 6th China National Forum on Network Science and The Second Chaos China National Workshop on Chaos Application”  was successfully held on July 26-31 2010 in Beijing, supported by The China Center of Advanced Science and Technology (CCAST)co-organized by China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing Institute of Electronic Science and Technology and Institute of Mathematics and System Science, Chinese Academy of Science. There are more than about 104 total participants, including  academician, researcher, professor, teachers, doctor, post-doctoral, graduate and undergraduate. Students.  

We have reached the total goals, in which there are 4 subjects for this forum and workshop:

(1) To summary and review recent advances in Network Science and chaos application;

(2) To exchange excellent papers of Blog Competition on complex network observation;

(3) To discuss about activity of “Complex Network Forum Circle” from now on.

(4) Knowledge competition on network science and chaos.

We think, the objects above were realized successfully. The features of the forum has the following points.

First, we adopt diversified forms of academic exchange, including invited lectures, general oral report, youth knowledge contents on network science and youth forum of special subjects.

Second, there are 36 invited speakers, 36 general oral reports and 36 titles of knowledge competition. The subjects are fresh and prominent, fully exchange.

Third, the youth knowledge contents on network science and young people academic forum are lively and rich in variety, talk up and reflect the spirit “ let a hundred schools of thought strive”.  

The whole PPT-reports of the Forum have put into “Complex Network Science Forum Circle” on Science Network in China,  Please see: hettp//www.sciencene.cn/g/ComplexNets and also appear on the CCAST-WL Webside (Please see:www.ccast.ac.cn/workshop). Main issues of the forum are associated main subject of Network Science and chaos applications, including: review and outlook of network science , dynamics of neural network , brain functional networks, dynamics of topological structure, military network science with application, space structure of complex networks, community structure, chaos-based secret communications , relationship between structure and dynamics of complex network, generalized synchronization and control, consensus of multi-agent systems, evolutionary game, Internet, friendship network, complex network engineering, and so on.  

In brief, “The 6th National Forum on Network Science and The Second Chaos China National Workshop on Chaos Application ” have reached the preconcerted goal: high academic level, high efficiency and high acquisition. 

Looking into the future, we face challenging problems of network science and chaos application. We believe and expect that a series of the Forum on network science and the Chinese National Conference on Complex Network and Chaos Applications will promote much great progress in network science and chaos science in our country. Chinese scholars have the ability to tend towards the world and made greater contribution to these fields in next ten years.

We thank again and hope that the China Center of Advanced Science and Technology (CCAST) will continue to support the Chinese National Forum on Network Science and the others just as in the past.      


  Academic Group of the Forum and Workshop

Organized by

                         Fang Jin-Qing, Professor,     

                         China Institute of Atomic Energy





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