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已有 21250 次阅读 2010-8-17 09:47 |个人分类:往事如云|系统分类:生活其它


Software Security in China: Irdeto and China’s Institute of Automation Collaborate on Information Security and Protection Education

Beijing — August 12, 2010 — Irdeto, the global leader in securing premium content and digital assets,  and China’s Institute of Automation recently completed the first ever  “ACM International Summer School on Information Security and Protection.”  The week-long program at the Chinese Academy of Sciences brought together world class research groups and internationally-recognized experts to explore advanced techniques for protecting information from tampering, reverse engineering and piracy.
Irdeto’s involvement marks the latest global initiative of its Cloakware Advanced Research Center (CARC) and was illustrative of the company’s commitment to helping secure content while increasing awareness of software security among the academic and industrial communities in China and beyond.  
“With today’s increasing bandwidth availability, cable and satellite operators are contending with a vastly more diverse and complex set of media devices and distribution options,” said Andrew Wajs, chief technology officer of Irdeto. “Delivering content anytime, anywhere on virtually any device requires new thinking about how to secure data and copyrighted content on a global scale.”
According to an annual study released by the Business Software Alliance and IDC, the global software piracy rate reached 43 percent in 2009, meaning more than four out of every 10 software packages installed during the year were unlicensed or illegal. 
“Software security and protection is a discipline that spans software engineering, cryptography, networking, computer architecture and compiler design,” said Yuan Xiang Gu, chief architect and founder of Irdeto Cloakware.  “We are confident the students from 11 countries who enrolled in this year’s ACM International Summer School session – all of whom have requested we hold the course again next year – will have an impact on tomorrow’s important software security breakthroughs.”
Organized by Professor Fei-Yue Wang, the course addressed the importance of protecting all forms of data and intellectual property across the landscape of medical informatics, power distribution, transportation systems and financial networks, in addition to practical topics like code obfuscation, software watermarking, tamper-proofing and counter attack strategies.  
Irdeto’s CARC research program focuses on developing advancements in software security and protection technology to address the myriad of modern day software security challenges. Beyond core research, CARC also issues external technical publications and organizes international forums and workshops similar to ACM International Summer School.
“Our collaboration with Irdeto and CARC has contributed significantly to our students understanding the challenges of server-client application systems in the business world,” said Dr. Christian Collberg, a software protection pioneer, researcher at the University of Arizona and scientific chair of the ACM International Summer School.  “It was our hope that with this course, attendees would have a similar experience and be empowered to see how the technology and knowledge they learn from classes are used in the real world environment.”
In addition to Irdeto, the ACM International Summer School was sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, University of Verona, University of Virginia, University of Arizona , Tsinghua University and Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications.  For more information on the ACM International Summer School, please visit http://isisp10.scienze.univr.it/.

726日至30日,自动化所举办首届ACM国际信息安全与保护暑期学校。该暑期学校由国际计算机协会(Association of Computing Machinery, ACM)主办,自动化所和爱迪德公司联合承办,参加的教师和学员共计60余人,分别来自中国、美国、法国、沙特、日本、荷兰、意大利、韩国、塞尔维亚、丹麦、加拿大等十一个国家,学员遍及高校、研究院所、企事业单位等与软件安全保护相关的行业和领域,教师分别由软件知识产权保护的先驱美国亚利桑那大学Christian Collberg教授、美国弗吉尼亚大学Jack Davidson教授、意大利维罗纳大学Roberto Giacobazzi教授和爱迪德公司YuanXiang Gu教授担任。自动化所副所长王飞跃任暑期学校主席。









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