《镜子大全》《朝华午拾》分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/liwei999 曾任红小兵,插队修地球,1991年去国离乡,不知行止。



已有 2975 次阅读 2010-8-4 01:25 |个人分类:成长花絮|系统分类:生活其它| 理想, 成长

+《甜甜花絮:长大做什么?》 (4148 bytes)
Posted by: 立委

Date: August 10, 2006 01:36AM 

What am I going to be when I grow up? 

I am very talkative (more like an all time hobby). I may be like Steve Jobs, he makes money just by babbling, saying blah blah blah about his iPod. 

People compliment my looks and I have big feet too (why waste them), so I may become a supermodel. They make money simply by walking. 

I can become an environmentalist. But I am afraid of being bitten by anything poisonous. 

I enjoy singing, playing on the computer and teaching or playing with my friends. So I can be a singer, a computer scientist or a teacher. 

I may also become a physician. Unlike my grandpa, I am afraid of blood or body parts, so I can't be a surgeon. 

I can also be a lawyer, it pays a lot, however what's the use to sit there and sign papers all day, BORING!!!!!!!!!! 

A group of senior women we met at a buffet told me that I could be the first female US president, but I might as well be a housewife than this boring job. 

I also DEFINETLY cannot be a police woman, a fire fighter, or a soldier, because I want to stay away from criminals. 

I am just plain puzzled, about what should be my carreer, Uncle Mantou, Antie Mangguo and Old Buddies, feel free to make suggestions. Good thing is, I still got some time to think about it. 

I might as well enjoy my care-free life while I am a kid. Why bother? 

甜甜名言:We were born to look cute, be spoiled, and grow up. 

Reply from Antie Manguo: 

Sweetie, you are so lucky to be endowed with so many things! (17875) 
Posted by: mangolasi 
Date: August 10, 2006 02:36PM 

You are really a very good looking girl, and you definitely have great personality--sweet and considerate. You are also very smart and good at communication. All these means you have great potential to success in whatever you choose to do! 

Well, however, no matter what your career is, you still need to be well prepared. Unfortunately, we can not predict everything in life, and it's likely you will change your mind now and then. So you'd better be prepared for everything and have a well-rounded education. 

Want to be Steve Jobs? Well, he was not merely making money by talking. People believe what he talks because he has credit, which is built up by making the first Mac, and his technical skills. To do that you need to work hard in your science subjects. 

Steve Jobs is also good at designing beautiful and easy-to-use products. To train yourself like that, you need to work hard in your drawing class, try to design your own clothes and room, and go to lots of galleries. All these can sharpen your sense of aesthetics. 

But Steve Jobs can also mobile his team and people working for him. To learn that, you need to get involved with lots of activity, and observe people on what they like, what they hate and how to make them work with you. You need to learn how to persuade people. 

Well, there are lots of things to learn to be Steve Jobs, and what happens if one day, you don't want to be Steve Jobs after all these things? Hmm...even though you don't want to be Steve Jobs, those things are still good to you. 

A solid science background can help you enter the medical school and engineering school, and even law school, so it's fine if you want to be a physician or a computer scientist or a lawyer. 

Good communication skills can help you in your supermodel career, as well as your singer career. And do you know people sometimes feel it difficult to protect the enviornment because they need to sacrifice some convenience in life? So a enviornmentalist need to persuade people. A teacher also need to mobile her student--to work hard! 

And aesthetic sense can also help you if you are a supermodel or a singer. You are beautiful, but you want to be more beautiful right? 

And don't forget to read about history, just in case one day you will find history interesting to you and you want to be a historian. 

Even though you don't want to be a firefighter or a police woman, you still need good health in every profession, so KEEP EXERCISING!


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