-- 引载自Chris同学的读书笔记,3Q!
Kimura(1983)在 总结自己观点时认为,分子是通过随机固定中性或者近中性的突变而进行演化的,然而,对于表型进化和生理进化而言仍然遵循经典的新达尔文主义思想。新达尔文主义者Mayr(2001)则认为突变至少看起来与生物学家们最感兴趣的绝大多数表型进化没有必然的联系。于此,Nei则坚定地认为,所有的生理学特征都是由核酸控制的,因此表型进化将最终可以由分子演化来解释(Nei 2005)。按照Li(1997)曾经的定义,DNA的突变可以划分为五种:核酸替换(nucleotide substitution)、重组(recombination)、插入(insertion)、缺失(deletion)和反转(inversion)。随着近十年来分子生物学的发展,突变的含义已经得到了很大地延伸,现在已包括了调控网络的变异,基因的复制和缺失,不同基因间的重组(如外显子洗牌, exon shuffling)以及由转座子和逆转录病毒造成的基因组重构等诸多现象(Hughes 2008)。这些新的突变类型已经开始与个体发育和表型进化相联系(Borneman et al 2007; McGregor et al 2007),尤其在基因组调控网络中起到了关键的作用(Davidson 2006)。这些新类型的突变,在某种程度上已经不同于之前所研究的由随机遗传漂变所固定的中性演化模式;随机固定或者自然选择的相对重要性仍然需要诸多考证。但是不管怎么说,突变不论在分子演化还是表型演化中都扮演了至关重要的角色。因此,Nei(1983; 1984; 1987; 2007)力主在分子演化与表型演化中推行一种新的突变主义思想(neomutationism),并坚持认为不论在分子演化还是表型演化中,绝大多数的进化现象都是中性或者近中性的,自然选择所扮演的角色仅仅是保留有利突变和消除有害突变(Nei and other authors 2008)。
Borneman AR, Gianoulis TA, Zhang ZD, Yu H, Rozowsky J, Seringhaus MR, Wang LY, Gerstein M, Snyder M. 2007. Divergence of transcription factor binding sites across related yeast species. Science. 317:815–819.
Davidson E. 2006. The regulatory genome: gene regulatory networks in development and evolution. Academic Press.
Hughes AL. 2008. Near neutrality: leading edge of the neutral theory of molecular evolution. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1133:162–179.
Kimura M. 1983. The neutral theory of molecular evolution. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Li W-H. 1997. Molecular evolution. Sinauer Associates. Sunderland Massachusetts.
Mayr E. 2001. What evolution is. Basic Books, New York.
McGregor AP, Orgogozo V, Delon I, Zanet J, Srinivasan DG, Payre F, Stern DL. 2007. Morphological evolution through multiple cisregulatory mutations at a single gene. Nature. 448:587–590.
Nei M. 1983. Genetic polymorphism and the role of mutation in evolution. Pp. 165–190 in P. K. Koehn and M. Nei, eds. Evolution of genes and proteins. Sinauer Association, Sunderland, Mass.
Nei M. 1984. Genetic polymorphism and neomutationism. Pp. 214–241 in G. S. Mani, ed. Evolutionary dynamics of genetic diversity. Springer-Verlag, New York.
Nei M. 1987. Molecular evolutionary genetics. Columbia University Press, New York.
Nei M. 2005. Selectionism and neutralism in molecular evolution. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 22:2318–2342.
Nei M. 2007. The new mutation theory of phenotypic evolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA. 104:12235–12242.
Nei M and other authors. 2008. Darwin 200: great expectations. Nature. 456:317-318
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