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已有 6054 次阅读 2010-5-11 18:04 |个人分类:生命科学|系统分类:科研笔记| 生命科学, 衰老, 广义, 老年学


十多年之后,当我写成广义衰老学说,又征求当年的主先生(此时已成为学术好友)的意见时,这位武林一流高手再也没有轻蔑其词,而是大袖一挥抽出科学宝剑 ……  下面请看“广义衰老学说是怎么炼成的” 之2——华山论剑(英文原文附后):


美国老年学会主席Yu 教授的信:

我为这个迟到的答复道歉。 我一直在为我怎样能帮助你写这篇文章深思。我很欣赏你对发表一篇将对老年学专家和衰老研究产生重大影响的文章所作的努力。我对此不仅毫无疑义,实际上非常支持。如你来信的开头所述,你希望在《自然》或者《科学》那样的杂志发表它。坦白地说,我不能确信,因为那两本杂志对于一篇没有发现新的衰老基因或者一组延长寿命的基因的衰老机制的文章,甚至将没有兴趣进行审稿,因为我们知道,这些杂志的政策是向文章的时髦度倾斜,而不是向硬科学。为了如你所说对衰老的机理提出结论性的解释,你必须有一个统一的机制解释包括大部分(如果不是全部)关于衰老的现有的理论和假说。我的问题进而便是羰基应激衰老学说能否胜任如此重任?或者它仅仅是另一假说?我以为在其他人眼中,该学说并不比其他基于损害的衰老理论有何不同,为此已有太多有关衰老的文献和理论。因此,在开始撰写之前,我们必须达到一个共识,那就是你的学说将‘为何’并且‘如何’统一我们今天知道的全部衰老机制。我想,如果你能让我信服,然后我将相信这是一篇值得写的文章。 博士,请别误会,我所作的一切,旨在试图助你一臂之力!

 保持联系!Byung Pal Yu

2483 Via Del Aguacate

Fallbrook, CA 92028


Yu 教授的回信:



由于我的受教育经历,我有幸提出了衰老的羰基毒化假说并且坚持至今。我的大学本科是在几乎纯(理科的)化学学科方面主修了5 年,然后致力于食品的加工储藏(类似‘食品老化’)的有关工作,进而在我的博士学习期间研究和揭示了老年色素形成的生物化学机制。这样知识背景,让我的思维产生了一个学术优势,即种种生物学现象在我的眼中很容易被显示成为了化学分子键和功能团(电子相互作用)的生动的图像过程。当我看见自由基生物化学反应和非酶糖基化生物化学反应时,我立即从化学键及功能团反应的角度看出了它们的异同。我在1992年的一篇文章里一针见血地指出了它们在自由基氧化和非酶糖基化衰老过程中的共性特征,就在同年,您和Kristal提出了合并这两个衰老学说。在分子水平,这两个衰老理论是与能量代谢相关的生化过程的最重要的衰老的理论。根据我的食品科学知识,我深知这两个过程也是‘食品老化’的最关键的生物化学起因,因为在食品贮存期间,尽管微生物作用和酶催化也是食物败坏变质的重要因素,但它们(后两者)不是自发产生的生物化学反应过程。




损伤 — 修复(之墙) = 衰老


到底‘墙’的另一边发生了什么? 所谓‘真正衰老’过程?衰老相关的改变到底主要有哪些?

实际上,我们早已不是这个领域的外行,我们已经拥有了大量的资料和信息。我们已经从老年退行性疾病和在尸体解剖研究中获得了许多知识,无论在器官水平还是在细胞水平,特别是在分子水平的衰老研究中,例如皮肤起皱,血管硬化,老年斑形成,种种病理生理相关的器官纤维化,以及我所熟悉的白内障和脂褐素的增龄性累积等等。这里,就在这里,我们看见了所谓真正衰老,诸多衰老相关的蛋白质的改变 (令人吃惊,与基因很少有关),竟然,不饱和羰基化合物造成的交联在其间起着关键的作用,并且恰到好处地给熵增衰老理论提供了具体的生化诠释。


最后,考虑到限制饮食延寿(或者肥胖短寿)的机理,一个简单的解释可能就是由于对我们的消化系统的解毒能力有限(能力饱和)。我们的消化体系对食品中的羰基化合物的解毒至关重要,例如仅谷胱甘肽转移酶(GSHT,且不说P-450的解毒功效)已经占了肝脏可溶性蛋白质总量的3-5% Yu 教授为国际限食抗衰老研究的权威教授,译者注)。






Dear Dr. Yin:

I apologize for this belated reply. I have been thinking hard for how I could help you out with MS writing. I appreciate that you are eager to publish a paper that will have a great impact on the minds of gerontologists and the aging literature. And I have no problem with the intent, and in fact I’d support the idea.

As you stated at the beginning, you like to have it published in something like the Nature or Science. Frankly, I am not sure that short of discovery of aging mechanism, or a aging gene or a group of genes that are involved in life extension, those two journals would not be interested in even reviewing the type of the MS you are writing because as we know their policy is slanted toward to popularism among the reader rather than hard science.  

In order to create a impact on the aging literature and/or draw a resolution as you said, you have to have a unified mechanism that encompasses most, if not all, existing hypotheses and theories of aging. So my question is then that can the carbonyl toxification of aging be capable of doing that, or is it just another hypothesis? I am afraid that to others’ eyes, it is no different than other damage-based hypotheses, for which too many are already in the aging literature.

    So, before starting to writing, we have to come to some resolution and understanding on the fundamentals of your proposal as to why and how it can  unifying  all aging  mechanisms as we know today. I think that If you could convenience me, then I believe such a paper worth writing.  

Dr. Yin, please don’t misunderstand me, I am just trying to help you more objectively.

Keep in touch.

Byung Pal Yu


Dear Professor Yu,


I am sorry for the slow and actually quite difficult correspondence. I read over your very honest letter again and deeply moved by your sincerity. Your descriptions about the current confusions of aging are true in scientific society in the field. Such chaotic situation may be mainly because of that the aging problem is too extensive and comprehensive and need collective philosophical pondering. At this time I may not be able to convince you with my aging hypothesis, however, I’d like to tell you how I convinced myself and reached current state.

  I happened to propose and stick to the carbonyl stress hypothesis of aging partly due to my educational background. I was majored almost in the subject of pure (theoretical) chemistry for 5 years, and then worked through food reservation (a sort of ‘food aging’), and came up with the study of biochemical mechanisms of age pigment formation (during my Ph.D. study). Such education built an advantage that what so ever biological phenomena appear to me may easily turn to be pictures of chemical (molecular) bonding process. When I see free radical biochemistry and glycation biochemistry I see immediately their similarities and differences as I pinpointed in a paper in 1992, the same year you and Kristal combined the two aging theories. At the molecular level these two aging theories are the most important aging theories relating with the energy consumption process. With my food reservation knowledge, I understood that these two processes are also the most critical biochemistry of “food aging”, besides microbial and enzymatic deteriorations during food storage, which (the latter two) are not spontaneous chemical processes.

  The oxidative and glycative stresses are two, and the only two, crucial spontaneous deleterious biochemical aging causes (at molecular level) that we can find up to date, and they are implied at all the other biological levels, including cellular level, organ/system level and the whole animal level (in which most other aging theories rooting out). Interestingly, I realized by chance that these two aging theories have a common toxification process, namely, the carbonyl stress process! These process is now generally agreed as a ‘secondary aging cause’.

  At beginning, I did not dare to say the carbonyl stress is the very key of aging mechanisms because genetic scientists keep on reporting aging-associated genes during the past two decades. I need to understand what they are talking about and the exact meaning behind their findings. When more and more such kind of genes have been discovered in lower animals, we see clear their functions which are scattered in different physiological and pathological systems, such as sir2, SIRT1, which are energy metabolism related. Manipulation of such genes are actually playing with energy metabolism, and/or similarly the other systems, like stress defending system, repairing system and homeostasis etc. Thus we are quite confident to say, genetic system regulates life-span by a net system of genes in a co-operative pattern to settle a relatively species-specific longevity.

   When environmental challenges turn out to be the critical factors of aging following above discussion, I did not dare to conclude that carbonyl stress is the center of the story because free radical damages are so overwhelmingly related with most diseases, and we all understand ‘diseases accelerate aging’. That is why I stated ‘biochemical side-reactions’ for a broad definition of aging causes in a recent paper. But now the most difficult problem we are facing is when trying to correlate damages with aging speed or the maximum life span (MLS), we never make the end meet. We vaguely know that the damages and MLS are separated by a ‘wall’, the ‘Great Wall’ of our repairing system. Most aging studies are kicking at one side of the wall and expected to draw the pictures of aging process which is progressing at the other side!

   What is happening at the other side of the wall, the ‘real’ aging process? The aging related alterations?!

Actually, we are not laymen in this field, we do have a plenty of information. We have collected a large body of knowledge from chronic diseases and autopsies at organ level, cellular levels etc. particularly at the molecular level, as wrinkled skin, stiffened blood vessels, the senile plaques, versatile disease-related fibrosis, the cataract and lipofuscin that I am familiar with. Here, it is here, we see the aging, the aging-related alterations (surprisingly, have very little to do with genes), where unsaturated carbonyl-related crosslinkings play a crucial role as even to give explanation to the entropy theory of aging.

   Since many aging causes (like oxidative stress) are important (although in an indirect manner and as an external factor) to underlie aging alterations (which are internal molecular alterations), I have not intended to specify the unique significance of the carbonyl stress theory to criticize (or replace) other great theories, until I was pushed to do something like that recently. Now I’d indicate more clearly that the carbonyl stress aging is tackling the aging alterations (process) at a sub-molecular level. In other words, at the level of the molecular functional groups! In typical bio-macromolecules, such as lipids, carbohydrates, proteins and nuclear acids, there are only a few functional groups (e.g. -COH, -CHO, COOH, -NH, -SH, etc.) all with clearly understood biochemical reactivity. The concern at sub-molecular level may, therefore, be the key progress that the carbonyl stress theory has highlighted/developed in aging study, and I believe we can, from this base/level, unify most (if not all) existing aging theories.

  Finally, referring to the advantages of dietary restriction (or the disadvantage of over-diet), an simple explanation may be due to the limitation (saturation) of the detoxification capability of our digestion system. Since the detoxification of food is so important that even the decarbonylation enzyme GSHT (need not to mention P-450) already consists of 3-5% of the total soluble proteins in liver.

  I hope the story of my thinking may help you understand more the development of my ideas in addition to the descriptions written in my manuscript.

  I hope these information may be useful and bring a nice time to you, together with my best wishes for the Merry Christmas and the New Year season.







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