职业编辑出版人,开放存取倡导者分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/wangyk Visiting Scholar at University of Minnesota,PhD at Peking University, Bachelor & Master Degree at Northwest A&F University



已有 3385 次阅读 2010-3-19 02:02 |个人分类:国际英文刊IJABE|系统分类:科研笔记| 期刊, 主编, 网络视频会议



Beijing, China





最近因为国际农业工程学会的会刊CIGR Ejournal事宜,本人频繁的“里通外国”,经常与CIGR的主席团成员和国内外的专家们网上联络,经常召开网络会议。我也因此熟悉了电话会议(Teleconference)、网络视频会议(FreeConference, Video Conference)Skype视频会议等新鲜玩意儿。最近还由本人召集了几次网络会议。


35日晚召开的这次网络视频会议是通过Skype在我和CIGR即任主席、CIGR Ejournal主编、佛罗里达大学教授、首席信息官Fedro Zazueta博士之间进行的。由于我被推选为CIGR Ejournal主编,即将接替Fedro的工作,并将该刊移师中国北京承办,有许多具体工作需要交接,因而需要频繁的开会,进行充分的沟通。会后将开会的议程和会议纪要提交CIGR 主席团审议。




35日是个特殊的日子。首先,这是毛主席题词“向雷锋同志学习”的发表47周年的日子(1963-03-05)。其次,35日也是我在科学网开博两周年的日子(2008-03-05)。其实,想想我不畏艰难的去迎接挑战担任国际期刊CIGR Ejournal主编,主要目的也是希望通过我的专业修养和丰富经验把这本期刊发展好,更好的为中国和世界农业工程界的科研工作者服务。在科学网开博客,目的之一也是希望把自己的信息、知识和经验与同行交流、分享,以期为需要者提供一些有益的信息和资料服务。因为都在做“服务”,故贴出此篇会议纪要以志纪念。





Wang Yingkuan and Fedro Zazueta

March 5, 2010

Online Meeting


Meeting Started at 8:00 AM US Eastern Time Zone.


Journal Governance


·     Bylaws were reviewed by Dr. Wang, and he also translated the bylaws into Chinese. Therefore, Dr. Wang knew the bylaws very well.  Dr. Wang, as the new editor, will follow the principles of the tripartite agreement among CIGR, CSAM and CSAE, and the Journal Bylaws to run the CIGR journal. Proposals for changes to the journal will be processed according to the bylaws.


       Journal Board

·     Need to ask the President to appoint the Journal Policy Board.

·     Wang can officially become the new editor at the end of the first board meeting, meanwhile, Wang and Fedro will work together for a smooth transition.

·     Fedro and Wang recommend Prof Bill Stout to become one of the member of the Journal Policy Board.


Overview of the Journal

       One volume/year

       Continuous publication

·     Wang recommends to have several issues per year (Say, a Quarterly, four issues a year).  This will be helpful in securing ISI listing as submitting several issues is required for processing by Thompson Reuters.


Issues and Top Priorities

       Computer skills of reviewers/section editors

              Current mode of operation

·     Some section editors are conducting the review process outside OJS.

·     Competencies of Section Editors need to be improved.

·     Communications need to take place through OJS so a record is kept.



·     A training session for Section Editors needs to be organized during 2010 CIGR World Congress held in Quebec, Canada in June..

·     A letter needs to be written to CSAE and CSAM to invite Wang for purposes of securing funding to travel to the CIGR meeting in Quebec.


       ISI listing

              Past communication

·     A copy of communications with Thompson was sent to Wang. 

·     No reply to these was ever received from Thompson.


Creation of Official SG file on the communications

·     The lack of a trail of communications has hampered the efforts to successfully list the Journal.

·     A request was made some time ago to the Secretary General to keep an official file in communications with Thompson. 

Strategy for pursuing listing

·     Wang is familiar with the submission process and will assist the Journal Policy Board in deciding on a strategy.



Number of Section Editors

·     The number of Section Editors may not be adequate to move the number of publications through the system on a timely basis.

·     Section editors must represent the society by a mix from different countries.

·     Section editors must be submitted by the Technical Section to the Journal Board.

·     Wang and Fedro will identify areas where section editors may be needed and names to propose to the Section Chairs.

·     Can the editor (Wang) recruit section editors who are not from CIGR Technical Sections?

Next Meeting

Wang and Fedro will meet again on March 26th at 8:00 AM Eastern Time Zone, online. An agenda will be developed in the interim and other may be invited as necessary.


Meeting adjourned at 8:55 AM US Eastern Time Zone.




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