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已有 4954 次阅读 2009-12-12 08:29 |个人分类:科学论坛|系统分类:论文交流| 论文摘要


  北京8730信箱,100190         主任:李政道  副主任:周光召、路甬祥






汪秉宏1, 2,韩晓璞1,周涛1, 2,周昌松 3
中国科学技术大学 近代物理系 统计物理与复杂系统研究组

2 上海理工大学 复杂系统科学研究中心

3 香港浸会大学 物理系 非线性研究中心


  甲型流感 (H1N1)无疑是当今波及全球范围的一种威胁最严重的公共危机。因此研究甲型流感之传播动力学,无论对于公众健康,还是对于科学研究,都至关重要。我们将探讨甲型流感之传播模式并研究其确认病例在各个不同层次之分布的Zipf律。对于严重急性呼吸道综合症(SARS)和禽流感(H5N1),我们也观察了类似的标度性质。为了寻求造成这些标度行为的机制,我们提出了可以同时考虑控制对于局部发生和跨区域传播两者之效应的模型。这一模型显示出强控制效应是造成标度性质的原因。虽然向跨区域旅行者施以严格控制措施,对于当地无病例区域之爆发推迟是有益的,但是我们的分析表明,抵御重点应该放到对于已经有当地病例爆发之区域的局部预防。这一研究结果不仅对于造成传染病传播的一般性机制加深了认识,而且为必须采取适当控制策略的决策者们提供了不可缺少的分析工具。







因为实际网络都是有限的,模型网络在模拟和分析时首先考虑的也是有限网络,所以必须讨论网络有限规模的影响。对于有限网络,由于网络最大度和量级相当的度及其所对应的结点(hob nodes)在网络拓扑结构和动力学特性中扮演着重要的角色,值得人们特别关注。



郑志刚 (北京师范大学物理系)








Besides some well known common properties such as small world and community structures, recent empirical investigations suggest a universal scaling law related to the spatial structure of social networks. The probability density distribution of geographic distance $r$ between pair of friends found to be $P(r)\propto r^{-1}$, which is similar to the optimal navigation law found by Kleinberg [Nature, \textbf{406}, 845 (2000)]. Although the spatial scaling property is the complete answer to ``six degrees of separation", the basic principle that governs its formation is less been understood. Here we propose a fundamental origin for this law based on the concept of entropy. Using both optimization model (OM) and evolutionary model (EM), we show that this spatial scaling law can be understood as a result of maximization of information entropy, which means the maximal diversity of friendships. Such spatial distribution can benefit individuals significantly in optimally collecting information in the social networks. Many real networks are embedded in geographical space and have shown spatial scaling properties, suggesting that our approach may be relevant in a wide range of networks.

To discuss the influence of the power-law exponent on the network's structure and function, a spatial network model is proposed. Based on a regular network and subject to a limited cost $C$, long range connections are added with power law distance distribution $P(r)=ar^{-\delta}$. Some basic topological properties of the network with different $\delta$ are studied. It is found that the network has the smallest average shortest path when $\delta=2$. Then a traffic model on this network is investigated. It is found that the network with $\delta=1.5$ is best for the traffic process. All of these results give us some deep understandings about the relationship between spatial structure and network function.


7Stationary Efficiency of Coevolutionary Networks: an Inverse Voter Model


The definition of global efficiency Eglob  of a network is essentially based on shortest path length and widely used in problems from many fields. However, it is not applicable to some coevolutionary objects. We advocate to substitute for it in some cases with stationary efficiency combining dynamic topology with node states. Focusing on dynamic networks with binary node states, we present an inverse voter model as an example to show how to measure it with the order parameter. Continuous phase transitions of stationary efficiency which is complementary to short range order, i.e., the density of inert links, are found out with analytic approach of master equation and numerical simulations. A set of scaling relations are revealed and the sparsity of networks is emphasized, which gives valuable hints to enhancing efficiency of general social and economic systems.



Community structure is an important property of complex networks. Up to now, there are plentiful methods developed to detect community structures in networks. Community structure for a network can be different, usually people use function $Q$ to measure which one is better. However other factors should also be considered, such as whether the community structure is stable, which means a little disturbance can not cause tremendous changes. In this rsearch, two methods are proposed, both of which paid much attention to the triangles in the network. By disturbing the initial networks and using an effective measurement function D to quantify the changes of community structure, it shows that triangles in the network have significant meanings for community structures. Modularity analyzing for disturbed networks proves robustness analysis by our methods is more reliable.

Then based on the perturbation of networks, an index $R$ is presented which can measure the significance of communities for different networks absolutely and universally. By integrating all the similarities between the original community structures and the communities of the disturbed network and taking the null model into account, the index is successful to get rid of the scale effects. We apply the index to many artificial and real world networks, such as social networks, neural network, proteins interactions networks, and metabolic networks. The results show that our index is independent of the network size and group number. Moreover we find that the social networks usually have significant communities, while communities are comparatively fuzzy in biological networks, especially in some protein-interaction networks.

9How to Measure Significance of Community Structure in Complex Networks


Community structure analysis is powerful tool for complex networks, which can simplify the functional analysis considerably. Recently, many approaches have been proposed for finding community structure, but rare of the them pay some attention to the significance of community structure. Real networks we obtain from complex systems always contain error links. Moreover, most of the community detecting algorithms also have random factors. So, evaluating the significance of community structure is very important and urgent. In this paper, we bridge the significance of community structure and eigenvectors stability. Without detecting communities, the significance of community structure can be evaluated and the optimal community number also can be obtained, which is always hard for many algorithms. We also apply the method to many real networks and find that the clear community structures exist in many social networks and C. elegans neural network, but less significant community structure in protein-interaction networks and metabolic networks. Moreover, our method can be generalized to broad clustering problems in data mining.  

10Cluster structure and localization of brain functional networks based on the ERP signals of auditory task


Zhao Zhou, Shi-Min Cai, Zhong-Qian Fu and Pei-Ling Zhou

Department of Electronic Science and Technology

University of Science and Technology of China, HefeiAnhui, 230026, PR China

The brain functional networks derived from multi-channel ERP signals are analyzed based on the phase synchronization theory. The nodes of brain functional networks are represented by the channels of ERP signals, and the connectivity of brain functional networks is described by the interaction among the channels. The edge between two different channels exists only if the phase coupling index is beyond a certain threshold. The constructed brain functional networks under the resting and task states present robust small world property in consistent with the empirical facts found in previous works. We first uncover that the cluster coefficients get larger when brain is executing auditory task, which means that neighbors of a node prefer to be mutually connected to form more clustered and localized networks. Furthermore, the connectivity of networks is better under the task state. These results suggest that the modularity of brain functional networks emerges to the internal enhanced correlation and localization when the cognitive activity of brain is acting.







13Evolutionary game and friendship network

李 炜(华中师范大学复杂性研究中心)

We introduce and study an evolutionary complementarity game where in each round a player of population 1 is paired with a member of opulation 2. The game is symmetric, and each player tries to obtain an dvantageous deal, but when one of them pushes too hard, nodeal at all can be oncluded, and they both lose. The game has many equilibria, and which of them is reached depends on the history of the interactions as the players evolve according to a fitness function that measures their gains across the interactions. We can then break the symmetry by assigning different strategy spaces to the populations, varying in particular with respect to the information available to the agents. The agents can, for example, adapt to the behavior of their opponents met in previous rounds, or they can try to copy the strategies of their successful friends. It turns out that, in general, the more restricted strategy spaces, that isthose which utilize less information, are more advantageous for a population as a whole astheir adoption drives the equilibrium in a direction advantageous to that population.

14 自适应性网络中的强一致舆论动力学











当前研究的热点是如何用最小的代价对人群网络或计算机网络进行免疫。针对免疫算法的假设条件免疫对象免疫原则,分别提出自己的免疫算法:假设已知邻居节点的度数,采用最大度搜索算法,提出了局域搜索免疫策略;已知全局信息,根据边与重要节点的关系,提出了删除边的免疫策略;基于图形分割算法,通过免疫边把图形分割成大小相似的几个集团,提出了图形分割免疫策略。三种策略分别在ER 网络和BA无标度网络中,采用SIS病毒传播模型,进行了仿真试验,结果都能比目标免疫得到更小的免疫临界值。




19Unevenness of Loop Location in Complex Networks


The loop structure plays an important role in many aspects of complex networks and attracts much attention. In the previous works, lots of researchers studied the total number and the dynamic effect of the loops. In this paper, we focus on the uneven location of loops, which makes some parts of the network rich in loops while loops sparse in some other parts. If this effect is significant enough, some rich loop clubs emerge. We propose a node removing process to analyze the rich loop club phenomenon and present an index to measure the unevenness of loops location. The empirical analysis shows that the unevenness of loops location varies in di®erent real networks. Surprisingly, despite fewer total loops, some of real networks, especially the neural networks and some food web networks, have rich loop clubs which are more loopy than the corresponding communities of counterpart random ones.

20Spreading of Epidemic Based on Human and

Animal Mobility Pattern


Recent studies have shown that human and animals’ mobility follows a Levy Flight pattern. Stimulated by the deluge of H1N1 this year, we study the relationship between epidemic spreading and the interactions of human and animals from a network perspective. In this paper, we construct a one-dimensional weighted network, which possesses Levy flight spatial structure properties under a restriction on total energy. Under the classical SIS and SI epidemic spreading models, we employ the reaction equation and numeric simulation, and find that  is the phase transition point of epidemic threshold of effective spreading rate, and this conclusion can be extended to the cases of high-dimensional networks. Moreover, we also find that the epidemic is the most efficient when. These results would be helpful for people to understand the effect of mobility pattern on epidemic spreading.










25The Hurst Exponent Analysis of the Chinese Fund Market


Applying the statistical hypothesis testing, we investigate several non-linear properties embedded in the return series of the Chinese Fund Market (CFM), which suggests the series is non-normal, auto-correlative and heteroskedastic. We hereby analyze the Hurst exponent of the return series in different time scales on the basis of the detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) algorithm, and discuss the fractal behavior of the CFM. Furthermore, by studying the correlation of different weights in the volatility, we find the persistent long-range power-law correlation exists in the time series. We also provide hints that the above statistical properties are insensitive to the funds kind, and may be irrelevant to the market phases. Our work may reveal the self-similarity characteristics of the financial market and show a better understanding of the CFM.






29Recent Advances in Consensus of Multi-Agent Systems


30 Fractal lattice based maximizing entropy model: Understanding the individual collecting information pattern


近年来,大量的实证研究表明,朋友之间的地理距离很好地服从指数是-1power law 分布。Hu等提出了一个基于标准二维网格的熵最大化模型,他们发现,当朋友之间的地理距离符合这种特殊的power law 分布时,最有利于个人收集信息。我们知道,人口分布在空间上一般呈现出不均匀的分形分布。本文把Hu等提出的模型推广到二维分形结构的空间上,结果表明,在分形结构的人口分布下,实证中观测到的这种朋友距离的特殊分布同样也最有利个人收集信息。


上一篇:转自"新语丝"方舟子: 也说说杨振宁和李政道关系破裂之谜
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