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已有 10941 次阅读 2009-9-14 10:48 |个人分类:Graphene Research|系统分类:科研笔记| 激光, 氧化石墨烯, 图案

图1. Schematic illustration of the creation of microfeatures on GO nanosheets with an optical microscope-focused laser beam.


图2.Optical microscope images of the square patterns created by laser-cutting of the 6-layer ?lm. The bright region corresponds to cut area, and dark region to the uncut one. Inset of (b) is the magni?ed image.

图3. a) 2D and b) 3D Raman mapped images of the square pillar pattern of the GO. c) 3D Raman mapped image of the channel pattern. All the Raman images are generated from the intensity of G band. d) Raman
spectra of the cut and uncut area.

图4. Temperature fields in top surface of GO thin films with varied number of layers. The temperature fields are captured at 0.01 s under laser shinning.

Laser writing of GOAdvanced Materials_2009-Laser cutting of GO


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