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Idioms for Everyday Use——第十七课

已有 3575 次阅读 2009-8-20 02:32 |个人分类:科研笔记|系统分类:科研笔记

Unit 17 Idioms with the Word AS

1. Maxine is always working, either at home or at the office. She’s as busy as a bee.

2. Bart trains two hours every day. At sixty-eight, he’s as fit as a fiddle.

3. Baby-sitting for my little nephew Elrod was no trouble at all. In fact, he was as good as gold.

4. When Marcus got engaged to married, he was as happy as a lark.

5. The teacher is as hard as nails. He’s strict and accepts no excuses from students who do not do their work.

6. Every time I exercise, I’m as hungry as a bear afterward, and I eat a big snack.

7. Every week they spend more than they earn. It’s as plain as day that they need to spend less and go on a budget.

8. Dylan catches the same bus at the same time every day. He’s as regular as clockwork.

9. After I ate that bad shrimp, I was as sick as a dog.

10. Maisie is as stubborn as a mule. She doesn’t like broccoli and she won’t eat it even if you pay her.

11. After she was ill in bed for three weeks, Penny was as weak as a kitten.


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