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已有 7412 次阅读 2009-7-23 10:02 |个人分类:SSCI投稿|系统分类:人文社科| SSCI投稿, 管理杂志

European Journal of International Management《欧洲国际管理杂志》瑞士


ISSN:1751-67572007年创刊,全年4期(2010年将改为6期),2008年开始被SSCI收录,瑞士Inderscience Enterprises Ltd出版,

2010年将出版一期特刊:Special Issue on: "Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A)"



Draft submission deadline: 1 June, 2010

Final paper submission deadline: 1 October, 2010

Guest Editors:
Yaakov Weber, College of Management, Rishon Lezion, Israel
Satu Teerikangas, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
Audrey Rouzies, University Toulouse 1, France
Shlomo Yedidia Tarba, College of Management, Rishon Lezion, and Open University, Israel


The last few decades have witnessed an ever-increasing number of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) that stands in sharp contrast to their high failure rate (King, Dalton, Daily, and Covin, 2004). For example, a recent M&A study by Deloitte (2007) reveals that, despite the financial market crisis, Western and Eastern Europe attract attention of both strategic and financial investors. Over the past forty years, a growing body of research has investigated the antecedents that predict M&A performance without finding clear relationships. The key factors for M&A success and the reasons for M&A high failure rate remain poorly understood (Stahl, Mendenhall and Weber, 2005)

Recent reviews (e.g., Stahl and Voight, 2008; Weber and Drori, 2008) point out that most of the existing research on M&A has been a-theoretical, fragmented across various disciplines, has not been systematic and linked to any comprehensive theory, and rarely have models been proposed that were applicable across different organisations.

We believe that a major drawback of existing literature is that, while M&A are a multilevel, multistage and multidisciplinary phenomena, much of the research tends to be single level (e.g. macro or micro), single stage (e.g., pre- or post-merger) and single disciplinary (e.g., strategic management, or organisational behavior). Unfortunately, studies from different scientific streams have generally failed to step into each other's turf, hence missing the opportunities for cross-fertilisation. Interestingly, a number of scholars raised this issue years ago (e.g, Weber et al., 1996); however, there has not been a systematic attempt in the literature to address this important issue



Multistage Approach

* How do pre-merger planning factors affect the European and cross-border M&A implementation processes?

* Does screening, due diligence processes, and ultimately premium paid, influence the post-acquisition integration approach choice, speed of implementation process, transition management structure in the European and cross-border M&A?

Multidisciplinary Studies

* Does the influence of strategic factors vary in M&A in different countries, industries (high-tech vs. traditional)?

* What insights can perspectives from strategy, organisational behaviour, international management, psychology, sociology, anthropology and other disciplines provide to our understanding of the nature, antecedents, and processes in the European and cross-border M&A?

Multilevel Approach

* How do strategic factors influence, such as related vs. unrelated M&A, affect individuals' stress, attitudes, and turnover in European and cross-border M&A?

* What is the link between contextual factors, synergy expectations and synergy exploitation in European and cross-border M&A?

* Do various HRM practices influence the effectiveness of post-acquisition integration and finally the overall M&A performance measures in European vs. cross-border M&A?

Editors and Notes

You may send one copy in the form of an MS Word file attached to an e-mail (details in Author Guidelines) to:

Shlomo Tarba
School of Business Administration,
College of Management,
Rishon Lezion
Tel: +972-54-7936947
E-mail: tarba2003@gmail.com

(please Cc the email to: EJIM Editorial Team, editors@ejim-global.org and Inderscience Editorial Office, editorial@inderscience.com)


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