Some Tips for Sci-Tech Literature Retrieval: 3. How to quickly find required lit
已有 4183 次阅读2008-11-18 22:57|个人分类:科研之路|literature, fint, required, record
Sometimes we need to pick a required literature record from our created library in Endnote platform, but we cannot find it quickly, due possible to too many literature records in our library. Of course, we have no time to browse one by one, because it wastes us a lot of time. How should we do it? Perhaps when you read the article the other days, but now you cannot find it in the library comprised of tens of hundreds of records.
Here I share a technique with everyone. When we add one or several literature records to our library, we had better mark the core content for us in the column “Research notes” in order that we may identify it. Especially for those topped articles, we almost have to mark it, for we might refer it from time to time in the whole process of our study. We may mark the literature record just as following:
Then we may set our preference in Endnote platform as following:
Choose the column “ field display” and modify the column “figure” as “research notes” and fill “Res. Note” in the corresponding heading column, then click the button“confirmation” and return to the main interface. You will find a new column named “Res note” displayed on the right. So you can find your required literature record according your mark in the column “Reserch notes”.