亥姆霍兹联合会各个研究中心的科研活动主要集中在能源、环境与地球、医学健康、物质、航空航天与交通,以及大数据、信息技术等六大领域。科研特征是综合性的、以大科学装备支持的长周期的应用基础研究,定位于从事世界一流的战略性科学前沿、并"回应政治、社会和经济的重大和紧迫问题,找到科学的解决方案。 目前,联合会年度科技经费预算是58亿欧元;其中约四分之三是由联邦政府与所在地州政府按90:10%联合提供的7年为评估周期的稳定的财政事业费。
2025年,亥姆霍兹感染中心及其两个外地的分所的10位团队负责人提代了14个对公派博士生、博士后开放的科研岗位 (9个博士生、4个博士后),敬请有意向者关注,并下载压缩文件,对照岗位要求并联系导师请求面试。
HZI 01 Prof. Tobias Gulder tobias.gulder@helmholtz-hips.de postdoc Research and Development on microbial natural products
HZI 02 Dr. Julia Rebecca Port juliarebecca.port@helmholtz-hzi.de Phd registration in Hannover Medical University Research on immunological determinants that shape aspiratory virus transmission
HZI 03 Dr. Kristin Metzdorf Kristin.metzdorf@helmholtz-hzi.de Phd registration in Hannover Medical University Investigating Drug Resistance Mechanisms in Liver Organoids Using Pathogen-Derived Effector
HZI 04 Prof. Tanja Gulder tanja.gulder@helmholtz-hips.de Phd registration in Saarland University Development of Natural Product-Derived, sp3-rich Fragment Libraries for Hit Discovery
HZI 05 Prof. Tanja Gulder tanja.gulder@helmholtz-hips.de postdoc Using biosynthetic enzymes to rapidly synthesize and optimize natural products and synthetic drug candidatesHZI
06 Prof. Wulf Blankenfeldt wulf.blankenfeldt@helmholtz-hzi.de Phd registration in TU Brauschweig The enigmatic translocation mechanism of Cytotoxic Necrotizing Factors (CNFs)HZI 07 Dr. Alexander Kiefer Alexander.Kiefer@helmholtz-hips.de Phd registration in Saarland University Harnessing the unique reactivity and selectivity of enzymes from natural products and developing solutions for synthesis of these molecules and their analogs
HZI 08 Dr. Florian Hubrich Florian.hubrich@helmholtz-hips.de Phd registration in Saarland University Genome mining to identify candidate enzymes and developing a synthetic biology platform for efficient handling of biosynthetic enzymes and peptide substrates
HZI 09 Dr. Kenan Bozhüyük Kenan.Bozhueyuek@helmholtz-hips.de Phd registration in Saarland University Engineering of Non-ribosomal Peptide Synthetases for Antimicrobial Peptide Biosynthesis
HZI 10 Prof. Alexander Westermann Alexander.Westermann@helmholtz-hiri.de PhD in University Wuerzburg; Postdoc Phenotypic heterogeneity of bacteria adopted in both in pure culture and in host gut
HZI 11 Prof. Alexander Westermann Alexander.Westermann@helmholtz-hiri.de Postdoc Phenotypic heterogeneity of bacteria adopted in both in pure culture and in host gut
HZI12 Prof.Mark Brönstrup mark.broenstrup@helmholtz-hzi.de PhD in Medical University Hannover Drug development and optimization via synthetic biological chemistry
HZI13 Prof. Mark Brönstrup mark.broenstrup@helmholtz-hzi.de Sandwich Drug development and optimization via synthetic biological chemistry
HZI14 Prof. Mark Brönstrup mark.broenstrup@helmholtz-hzi.de Postdoc Drug development and optimization via synthetic biological chemistry
关于各科研岗位的研究内容的细节描述可下载下面的HZI_CSC 2025 ZIP文件:
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