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已有 586 次阅读 2024-12-20 18:42 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:科普集锦




Older adults are more willing to take risks than commonly believed and can resist manipulation just as effectively as younger people, provided they have time to learn and adapt. Research from SWPS University challenges stereotypes, showing that aging affects decision-making speed, not capability.

据波兰SWPS大学(SWPS University20241219日提供的消息,新的心理学研究挑战了流行的衰老神话(New Psychological Research Challenges Popular Aging Myths)。


像许多国家一样,波兰正在经历人口老龄化。波兰统计局{Statistics Poland (GUS)}的数据显示,到2023年,65岁及以上的人口数量已上升至750万,占人口的20%以上。这种人口结构的转变意义重大,因为老年人经常面临与财务和健康有关的关键决定。


事实证明,经过一些实践和对任务的熟悉,老年人做出复杂决定的能力与年轻人相同,在做出重要选择时,他们既不应该被低估,也不应该被过度保护。相关研究结果于20241120日已经在英国牛津大学出版社出版的《老龄化与社会》(Ageing and Society)杂志网站发表——Maciej Koscielniak, Klara Rydzewska, Agata Gasiorowska, Grzegorz Sedek. Effect of age on susceptibility to the attraction effect in sequential risky decision-making. Ageing and Society, 2024, 1-28. DOI: 10.1017/S0144686X24000527. Published online: 20 November 2024.

参与此项研究的有来自波兰华沙社会科学与人文SWPS大学心理学研究所(Institute of Psychology, SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Warsaw, Poland)、波兰华沙应用认知研究跨学科中心(Interdisciplinary Center for Applied Cognitive Studies, Warsaw, Poland)以及波兰弗罗茨瓦夫经济行为研究中心(Center for Research in Economic Behavior, Wrocław, Poland)的研究人员。

这项研究挑战了关于衰老和决策的主流刻板印象。该研究的作者之一、SWPS大学波兹南心理与法律学院(Faculty of Psychology and Law in Poznań at SWPS University)、社会与跨文化心理学系主任Maciej Kościelniak博士(Dr. Maciej Kościelniak)强调说:“老年人常常被描绘成手无寸铁、无法做出正确决定的人,这可能导致他们被婴儿化或被排除在重要的选择之外。”

老年人更愿意冒险(Older Adults More Likely to Take Risks

在发表于《老龄化与社会》的论文中,研究人员重点研究了老年人对吸引效应(attraction effect)的敏感性,在文献中也称为诱饵效应(decoy effect)或不对称优势效应(asymmetric dominance effect)。科学家们还研究了在危险情况下的决策是如何随着年龄的变化而变化的。

研究人员利用专门设计的赌博任务(gambling tasks)进行了两项实验:一项是有357名参与者的在线研究,另一项是有173名参与者的实验室研究。参与者被分为3个年龄组:年轻人(18-33岁)、中年人(42-57岁)和老年人(65-80岁)。在受教育年限方面,各组之间没有显著差异。


速度较慢,但能根据经验纠正错误(Slower but Capable of Correcting Errors Based on Experience


“老年人和年轻人的学习能力具有可比性,这一发现深刻地影响了我对衰老过程中认知功能的看法。这不仅仅是一个衰退的故事,而且是一个适应的故事,”Maciej Kościelniak强调说。


这些发现对于解决基于年龄的刻板印象具有重要意义。Maciej Kościelniak说:“无论我们是在谈论与财务顾问、医疗保健工作者还是帮助老年人做决定的家庭成员的互动,我们的研究结果表明,老年人通常不需要选择的保护,而是需要一个机会和足够的时间来熟悉新情况。”

本研究由波兰国家科学中心National Science Centre, Poland)资助(Grant 2018/29/B/HS6/02604)。



Our study aims to contribute to the existing body of research on age-related changes in decision-making by investigating susceptibility to the attraction effect across adulthood. Prior studies have produced inconsistent conclusions regarding the decision-making abilities of older individuals, with some portraying them as easily manipulated and risk-averse, while others suggest the opposite. To address this issue, we conducted two experiments using a novel paradigm of the roulette task: (1) in an online environment with 357 participants and (2) in a laboratory setting with 173 participants. The results were consistent and demonstrated the robustness of the attraction effect. However, no age differences in susceptibility to the attraction effect as a common decision bias were found. As predicted, older adults were more likely to commit simple decision-making mistakes, especially in the preliminary trials, which could have serious financial or societal consequences. Additionally, older adults exhibited more risk-seeking behaviours. Furthermore, we observed that the dynamics of decision competence (as indicated by a decrease in the selection of erroneous decoy options and an increase in decision fluency) were similar for both younger and older adults, suggesting preservation of the ability to optimise decision-making while becoming familiar with new tasks. These findings provide insight into the cognitive functioning of older adults and indicate that decision-making abilities in late adulthood may be more complex than commonly assumed.


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