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已有 1127 次阅读 2024-11-3 09:07 |个人分类:大气物理相关:干绝热递减率与大气稳定度|系统分类:论文交流

大气的干绝热递减率是用来判断大气垂向稳定性的标准。但是,笔者认为现有教科书中对这个参数的推导存在一些错误。下文汇总了最近一年多时间里,笔者在投稿多个外文期刊的过程中与多名学者的交流辩论的主要内容,同时,我把相关论文发布在了ESS Open Archive(地球与空间科学开放档案Earth and Space Science Open Archive详见:https://essopenarchive.org/users/643291/articles/656727-physical-mechanism-analysis-of-atmospheric-dry-adiabatic-lapse-rate












在雅各布的书中(Jacob D.J.1999Introduction to Atmospheric Chemistry Princeton University Press 53-55),构建了一个热力学循环来推导干绝热递减率,该书中的那个热力学循环过程不涉及任何对重力做功的考虑,但获得了与其他教科书相同的结果。在雅各布的书中,推导干绝热递减率的物理过程完全是围绕书中所提出的热力学循环的。虽然在其后来的推导过程中,引入了公式dP=ρ*g*dz,但之所以引入这个公式,只是用于人为地规定气团的压力变化等于周围相同高度的大气压力变化(即在升降过程中,气团的压力与同等高处的环境大气压力处处相等),而不是为了考虑重力功。更为具体地:雅各布书中的热力学循环与气团的运动方向无关,并不特指垂向运动,气团的水平运动也可以建立这样的热力学循环。因此,在这个推导过程中,运动方向的确定仅由dP=ρ*g*dz引入,但事实上,该公式计算的是静止大气中的静力平衡,而不是重力所做的动态功。该书的推导进一步说明,为了获得0.98/100米的计算结果,并不需要考虑重力所做的功。此外,从物理模型建模的角度来说,对于垂向运动的气团的能量变化过程的计算,应将与能量变化相关的所有项目都放在一起进行能量转换和能量守恒的计算,而不可以是单独地计算每个项目,但不计算不同项目之间的能量转换关系”,也不能是简单地指定一个能量转换过程(这里指的是热交换)可以忽略,但却没有足够的依据









In the autumn of 2011, in the process of preparing to teach a graduate course, I realized for the first time that the existing textbooks had serious shortcomings in the derivation of the adiabatic lapse rate of atmosphere and the proof of atmospheric stability, and made what I thought was the correct derivation.

Over the years, I have comprehensively reflected on this issue many times. I think my views on the adiabatic lapse rate of atmosphere are correct and logical. For details, please see my article published online: https://www.authorea.com/656727


The debate on the adiabatic lapse rate focuses on the following three issues. The analysis of these three issues determines whether the derivation method proposed in this article is meaningful and valuable.

1. Some scholars argue that the derivation of the atmospheric adiabatic lapse rate should follow the definition of the "adiabatic lapse rate".

My reply: The purpose of the derivation of the adiabatic lapse rate of atmosphere is to analyze and calculate the vertical temperature lapse rate of air whose motion characteristics are at neutral stability in the vertical direction, instead of deriving the adiabatic lapse rate of the atmosphere because of the name is 'adiabatic lapse rate'.

2. Some scholars insist that, it is appropriate to ignore heat exchange in the derivation of adiabatic lapse rate.

My reply: Conclusions need to have reasons, and special conclusions need to have special reasons. Regarding the problem of ignoring heat exchange, please give detailed analysis calculations and data to prove that the rate of heat exchange is negligible compared to the volume work exchange during the vertical motion of the air parcel. At the same time, please elaborate on the size of the air parcel used for this calculation and whether the size of the air parcel can be in the micron or even nanometer scale.

The rate of heat exchange of an object is directly proportional to its specific surface area. For an air parcel, whether spherical or cubic, its specific surface area is exactly inversely proportional to its diameter (or side length), which means that when the size of an air parcel decreases from meters to microns, its specific surface area will increase by a factor of 1000000, and if it is reduced to close to the nanometer level, this increase is even greater. Therefore, what reason do we have to conclude that the volume work exchange rate between an air parcel of any size and its surroundings must be much greater than its heat exchange rate, so the heat exchange can be ignored?

3. Some scholars argue that, in the existing derivation of the textbook, dP= ρ*g*dz means the consideration of gravity work.

My reply: dP = ρ*g*dz is an approximate calculation of the static equilibrium formula P= ρ*g*z when it is assumed that the density does not change with height, where g*dz does not refer to the meaning of the work done by gravity due to the change in height, but only to the numerical calculation of the result of the vertical pressure distribution due to the presence of gravity.

In more detail, the P= ρ*g*z (the differential method is dP= ρ*g*dz, assuming that the density does not change), is a numerical calculation of the pressure distribution in a stationary fluid, a numerical calculation of the static equilibrium, and not a calculation of the work done by gravity during the movement of particles in the fluid. A physical formula can only consider one physical mechanism, either the numerical calculation of the results of static equilibrium, or the work done by gravity during object motion, but not both.

The calculation of the static equilibrium of the vertical pressure distribution caused by the gravitational potential energy is not equivalent to the dynamic calculation of the work done by gravity. The static equilibrium equation only calculates the vertical static distribution of pressure due to the presence of a gravitational field (or the existence of gravitational potential energy), rather than the dynamic work done by gravity during the vertical motion of an object.

To illustrate this problem, we can also do a hypothetical experiment: fill an upright cylinder with water, and the pressure of water in the cylinder can be calculated using P= ρ*g*z (the differential is dP = ρ*g*dz). Now, let's imagine that a circular rigid membrane with impermeability, no weight and no thickness is added to the cross-section of the cylinder (at any height), the membrane completely cuts off the water in the cylinder, and the membrane is completely lubricated with no friction between the membrane and the inner wall of the cylinder, and the vertical distribution of water pressure in the cylinder should be completely unaffected, and can still be calculated using P= ρ*g*z (the differential method is dP = ρ*g*dz). This hypothetical example can prove that although the water pressure distribution in the cylinder is caused by gravity, it is completely independent of the work done by gravity.

In the derivation of the dry adiabatic lapse rate, the formula P=ρ*g*z (the differential method is dP =ρ*g*dz) is introduced to artificially specify the pressure of the air parcel at different altitude (i.e., at any altitude, the pressure of the air parcel is equal to the pressure of the surrounding atmosphere at the same altitude), rather than to calculate the energy conversion process of the air parcel during vertical motion. The derivation made in Jacob's book is a proof of my above view:

In Jacob's book (Jacob D.J., 1999: Atmospheric transport. Introduction to Atmospheric Chemistry, Princeton University Press, 53-55), using a thermodynamic cycle to derive the dry adiabatic lapse rate, in which the book does not involve any consideration of gravitational work, but obtains the same results as other textbooks. In Jacob's book, the considering the physical process of deducing the dry adiabatic lapse rate is around the thermodynamic cycle proposed in the book. In the later derivation process, although the formula dP= ρ*g*dz was introduced, it was introduced because it was artificially specified that the change of air parcel pressure was equal to the pressure of the atmosphere at the same height around it, it was not for the consideration for gravity work. The thermodynamic cycle in Jacob's book has nothing to do with the direction of motion of the air parcel, not specifically the vertical direction, and the horizontal movement of the air parcel can also establish such a thermodynamic cycle. Therefore, in this derivation process, the determination of the direction of motion is only introduced by dP= ρ*g*dz, and, this formula calculates the static equilibrium in the resting atmosphere, not the work done by gravity. The derivation of the book further illustrates that in order to obtain the calculation result of 0.98 degrees/100 meters, it is not necessary to consider the work done by gravity.

In addition, for the calculation of the energy change process of the vertically moving air parcel, all the items related to the energy change should be put together for the calculation of energy conversion and energy conservation, instead of ‘calculating each item separately, but do not comprehensively calculating the energy conversion relations between different items’, let alone ‘simply specifying that one of the energy conversion processes (here refers to heat exchange) can be ignored, but without sufficient basis’.

4.The refutation of 'the theoretical deduction in textbooks' only needs to be refuted from the perspective of theory, but the experimental support and demonstration of 'the theoretical deduction in textbooks' cannot only be described in words, but must have detailed and real data.

The common average temperature distribution in the middle and upper atmosphere is about 0.65 °C/100 m, which is not only less than 0.98, but also much less than 1.353. Therefore, whether the cut-off value of 0.98 or 1.353 for a neutral atmosphere indicates that an atmosphere with a vertical temperature decline rate equal to 0.65°C/100m is stable rather than a neutral atmosphere under common weather conditions. However, if the cut-off value of 1.353 is used, the stability of the atmosphere at 0.65°C/100m is even greater. In the near-surface atmosphere (mainly in the atmosphere below 1000 m), the occurrence of vertical temperature distributions of 1.353°C/100m or more should be observed relatively easily around sunrise or sunset, and the phenomenon of switching between stable and unstable in the near-surface atmosphere should be more easily observed during these two periods.

It is also important to note that a mildly stable atmosphere is not immune to vertical mixing (including tracers, pollutants, etc.), since dispersion due to various causes is always present in the fluid (including concentration gradients, breezes, etc.). Therefore, to judge whether the vertical motion characteristics of the atmosphere are stable, neutral or unstable, it is often necessary to judge with relatively macroscopic and rough scales.

5.The best way to illustrate the physical meaning of the dry adiabatic lapse rate is to prove the relationship between the dry adiabatic lapse rate and the atmospheric stability in a clear and logical way. This is because in the process of deriving and proving why different vertical temperature distributions lead to different degrees of atmospheric stability, it involves the question of how to understand the underlying physical mechanism of the dry adiabatic lapse rate of the atmosphere.

Basic physics textbooks are the basis for disseminating the knowledge system of physics, and all basic physics textbooks have been tested by a large number of intelligent people, so the probability of error is extremely low, but we cannot conclude that basic physics textbooks will not have defects. We welcome a rational and well-founded public debate. 



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