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Enhance LeCun\'s World Model AGI with DIKWP patents(初学者版)

已有 401 次阅读 2024-9-4 12:56 |系统分类:论文交流

Enhance LeCun's World Model AGI with DIKWP patents


By Prof. Yucong Duan(段玉聪)

International Standardization Committee of Networked DIKWP 

for Artificial Intelligence Evaluation(DIKWP-SC)

World Artificial Consciousness CIC(WAC)

World Conference on Artificial Consciousness(WCAC)

To conduct a detailed investigation into the potential of DIKWP patents to enhance LeCun's World Model AGI, I will proceed step by step, providing specific examples and proofs for each step. This detailed analysis will focus on integrating the core ideas of DIKWP (Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom, and Purpose) into the framework of a World Model AGI, highlighting how each patent contributes to this goal.

Step 1: Data Processing and IntegrationPatent: CN202011198393.3 - Cross Data, Information, Knowledge Modal and Dimensional Task Processing Method and Components

Objective: Enhance the World Model AGI's ability to process and integrate multi-modal data efficiently.


  • Data Integration Challenge in AGI: LeCun's World Model AGI must process diverse sensory inputs (visual, auditory, etc.) and transform them into meaningful representations.

  • DIKWP Contribution: This patent provides a structured approach to handling data from different modalities and dimensions. By using DIKWP's multi-modal task processing methods, the AGI can better integrate and correlate data, leading to more accurate and comprehensive world models.

  • Proof Detail:

    • The patent outlines specific algorithms for cross-modal data fusion, which can be directly applied to sensory input processing in AGI.

    • Example Scenario: When the AGI receives both visual and auditory inputs, the DIKWP method can help it merge these into a coherent model, improving its situational awareness.

Step 2: Knowledge Formation and Semantic UnderstandingPatent: CN202111004843.5 - Intention-Driven DIKW Resource Interaction Filling System

Objective: Improve the AGI's ability to form and represent knowledge in a structured and semantically rich manner.


  • Knowledge Representation in AGI: LeCun's AGI needs to build a knowledge base that is flexible and capable of evolving as it learns from the environment.

  • DIKWP Contribution: This patent allows for the construction of dynamic knowledge graphs that evolve with the AGI’s experiences. It enables the AGI to maintain a semantically rich representation of knowledge, which is essential for understanding and reasoning about the world.

  • Proof Detail:

    • The patent describes techniques for updating and integrating new knowledge into existing structures, ensuring the AGI’s knowledge base remains relevant and accurate.

    • Example Scenario: As the AGI learns new concepts, this system dynamically adjusts its knowledge graph, making the AGI better at understanding and predicting real-world phenomena.

Step 3: Ethical Decision-Making and WisdomPatent: CN202011103480.6 - Cross-DIKW Modal Ambiguity Processing Method

Objective: Enhance the AGI's decision-making process by incorporating ethical reasoning and resolving ambiguities.


  • Ethical Decision-Making in AGI: For AGI to act responsibly, it must resolve ambiguities and make decisions that align with ethical standards.

  • DIKWP Contribution: This patent offers methods for resolving ambiguities across different knowledge domains, which is crucial for making ethically sound decisions in uncertain situations.

  • Proof Detail:

    • The patent’s method can be used to ensure that the AGI considers multiple perspectives and outcomes before making a decision, reducing the risk of unethical behavior.

    • Example Scenario: In a situation where the AGI must choose between conflicting outcomes, this method helps it weigh the ethical implications of each choice, leading to a more morally sound decision.

Step 4: Purpose-Driven Actions and Goal OrientationPatent: CN202110430285.2 - Intention-Driven DIKW Model Construction Method and Device

Objective: Align the AGI's actions with long-term goals and purposes, ensuring its behavior is goal-oriented.


  • Goal Orientation in AGI: LeCun's AGI must not only react to immediate stimuli but also pursue long-term goals that align with its purpose.

  • DIKWP Contribution: This patent enables the AGI to build and prioritize its actions based on purpose-driven models, making its behavior more intentional and focused on achieving specific objectives.

  • Proof Detail:

    • The patent outlines methods for aligning the AGI's internal models with external goals, ensuring that every action it takes moves it closer to fulfilling its overarching purpose.

    • Example Scenario: The AGI could use this system to prioritize tasks that are most aligned with its mission, such as focusing on long-term environmental sustainability in its actions.

Step 5: Learning, Adaptation, and Continuous ImprovementPatent: CN202110868267.9 - Self-Learning Based DIKWP Adaptive Control System

Objective: Equip the AGI with self-learning capabilities that allow it to adapt and improve continuously.


  • Adaptation in AGI: Continuous learning and adaptation are key to an AGI's success in an ever-changing world.

  • DIKWP Contribution: This patent provides a framework for adaptive control based on self-learning, enabling the AGI to refine its models and behaviors as it gathers new data and experiences.

  • Proof Detail:

    • The patent’s self-learning mechanisms ensure that the AGI remains adaptable and capable of improving its performance over time.

    • Example Scenario: The AGI can adapt its decision-making processes as it encounters new types of data, improving its predictions and actions in similar future situations.

Step 6: Predictive Modeling and SimulationPatent: CN202110743610.6 - Task-Oriented Interactive Control Method and System

Objective: Improve the AGI's ability to predict future events and simulate potential outcomes of its actions.


  • Predictive Modeling in AGI: LeCun's AGI must anticipate the consequences of its actions to make informed decisions.

  • DIKWP Contribution: This patent enhances the AGI’s predictive capabilities by enabling it to simulate different scenarios and outcomes, improving its decision-making process.

  • Proof Detail:

    • The patent describes methods for building predictive models that can simulate the impact of various actions, helping the AGI to choose the most effective course of action.

    • Example Scenario: Before taking any significant action, the AGI can simulate potential outcomes to identify the best strategy, reducing the likelihood of negative consequences.

Step 7: Knowledge Validation and Error CorrectionPatent: CN202110075080.7 - Cross-DIKW Modal Typed Privacy Information Resource Differential Protection Method and System

Objective: Ensure that the knowledge used by the AGI is accurate and up-to-date by validating and correcting errors.


  • Knowledge Validation in AGI: For the AGI to be reliable, it must continuously validate its knowledge and correct errors.

  • DIKWP Contribution: This patent provides a system for validating and updating knowledge based on new information, ensuring that the AGI’s knowledge remains accurate.

  • Proof Detail:

    • The patent’s method involves using cross-modal validation techniques to detect and correct errors in the AGI’s knowledge base, leading to more reliable decision-making.

    • Example Scenario: If the AGI encounters conflicting information, it can use this system to validate the data and update its knowledge base accordingly, preventing the propagation of errors.

Step 8: Handling Incomplete Data and UncertaintyPatent: CN202010693137.5 - Cross-DIKW Modal Feature Mining and Task Processing Method

Objective: Enable the AGI to function effectively even when data is incomplete or uncertain.


  • Dealing with Incomplete Data in AGI: Real-world data is often incomplete or uncertain, and the AGI must be able to operate under these conditions.

  • DIKWP Contribution: This patent offers techniques for handling incomplete data and making informed decisions despite uncertainty.

  • Proof Detail:

    • The patent describes methods for extracting valuable insights from incomplete data, ensuring that the AGI can still make accurate predictions and decisions.

    • Example Scenario: When faced with missing or ambiguous data, the AGI can use this method to fill in the gaps and make decisions that are as informed as possible.

Step 9: Ethical and Secure Data HandlingPatent: CN202110381129.1 - Intention-Driven DIKW System for Group Differential Privacy Protection

Objective: Protect the AGI’s data handling processes to ensure they are ethical and secure.


  • Data Security in AGI: Protecting sensitive data and ensuring ethical handling is critical for the success of AGI.

  • DIKWP Contribution: This patent provides a framework for secure and ethical data handling, ensuring that the AGI respects privacy and data integrity.

  • Proof Detail:

    • The patent’s methods involve applying differential privacy techniques to protect individual data while allowing the AGI to perform its tasks effectively.

    • Example Scenario: The AGI can process large datasets without compromising individual privacy, maintaining trust and ethical standards.

Step 10: Purpose-Driven Learning and AdaptationPatent: CN202111658319.X - Intention-Driven DIKWP Model Construction Method for Purpose-Driven Learning

Objective: Align the AGI’s learning processes with its overarching goals and purposes.


  • Purpose-Driven Learning in AGI: The AGI must learn in a way that aligns with its goals and the broader objectives it is designed to achieve.

  • DIKWP Contribution: This patent ensures that the AGI’s learning processes are goal-oriented and purpose-driven, enhancing its ability to achieve long-term objectives.

  • Proof Detail:

    • The patent outlines a method for integrating purpose-driven models into the AGI’s learning processes, ensuring that every new piece of knowledge acquired moves it closer to achieving its goals.

    • Example Scenario: The AGI’s learning### Step 10 (Continued): Purpose-Driven Learning and Adaptation

Investigation (Continued):

  • Purpose-Driven Learning in AGI (Continued): In the context of LeCun's World Model AGI, integrating purpose-driven learning enhances the system’s focus on long-term objectives, aligning daily learning processes with overarching goals.

  • DIKWP Contribution (Continued): The patent CN202111658319.X ensures that learning is continuously aligned with the AGI's long-term purpose, providing a mechanism for the system to prioritize learning tasks based on their relevance to its core objectives.

  • Proof Detail (Continued):

    • The patent specifies a method for integrating purpose-driven models into the AGI’s adaptive learning processes, ensuring that the system remains focused on achieving its primary goals while adapting to new data and experiences.

    • Example Scenario: If the AGI is designed to contribute to sustainable development, this method ensures that all learning efforts are directed towards understanding and solving issues related to sustainability, such as resource management and environmental protection.

Step 11: Enhanced Decision-Making under UncertaintyPatent: CN202011103480.6 - Cross-DIKW Modal Ambiguity Processing Method

Objective: Improve the AGI's capability to make decisions under uncertainty, particularly when dealing with ambiguous information.


  • Uncertainty in AGI: In real-world applications, AGI often encounters ambiguous or incomplete information, making it challenging to make precise decisions.

  • DIKWP Contribution: The ambiguity processing method described in this patent helps the AGI systematically address and resolve uncertainties by evaluating different possible interpretations of ambiguous data.

  • Proof Detail:

    • The patent discusses techniques for managing ambiguity by cross-referencing different types of data, information, and knowledge to find the most likely interpretation.

    • Example Scenario: The AGI encounters a situation where sensor data is unclear due to environmental interference. Using this method, it can cross-check with historical data and related information to make an informed decision, despite the initial ambiguity.

Step 12: Ethical Frameworks and Decision-MakingPatent: CN202011098222.3 - Fusion of Fairness, Justice, and Transparent Regulation into Multimodal Privacy Protection

Objective: Integrate ethical considerations directly into the AGI's decision-making framework, ensuring that actions are consistent with fairness and justice.


  • Ethical Decision-Making in AGI: It is essential for AGI systems to make decisions that are not only effective but also ethically sound, respecting principles of fairness and justice.

  • DIKWP Contribution: This patent provides a framework for embedding ethical considerations into the AGI’s decision-making process, particularly in situations involving privacy and data protection.

  • Proof Detail:

    • The patent outlines methods for incorporating fairness, justice, and transparency into the AGI’s data processing activities, ensuring decisions are aligned with ethical norms.

    • Example Scenario: When handling sensitive data, the AGI uses this framework to ensure that its actions do not inadvertently favor or discriminate against any particular group, maintaining ethical integrity throughout its operations.

Step 13: Real-Time Adaptation and Context AwarenessPatent: CN202110430285.2 - Task-Oriented Interactive Control Method and System

Objective: Enhance the AGI's ability to adapt in real-time to changing environments and contexts, improving its situational awareness.


  • Real-Time Adaptation in AGI: The dynamic nature of real-world environments requires AGI systems to adapt quickly to changes in context.

  • DIKWP Contribution: This patent equips the AGI with mechanisms to adjust its actions and responses in real-time, based on ongoing analysis of its environment and context.

  • Proof Detail:

    • The patent details how the AGI can use task-oriented control methods to continuously evaluate and respond to its surroundings, ensuring that it remains effective in dynamic scenarios.

    • Example Scenario: In an industrial setting, the AGI can adjust its operations in response to unexpected equipment failures or changes in production requirements, maintaining efficiency and safety.

Step 14: Continuous Knowledge Update and ManagementPatent: CN202111366568.1 - DIKW-Based Regional Perception and Passage Prompting Method

Objective: Enable the AGI to continuously update its knowledge base with new data, ensuring that it remains current and accurate.


  • Knowledge Update in AGI: As the AGI interacts with the world, it must continuously update its knowledge base to reflect new information and experiences.

  • DIKWP Contribution: This patent describes methods for real-time knowledge management, allowing the AGI to incorporate new data into its existing frameworks efficiently.

  • Proof Detail:

    • The patent covers techniques for real-time regional perception, where the AGI dynamically updates its understanding of its environment based on new sensory inputs.

    • Example Scenario: As the AGI navigates through a city, it continuously updates its knowledge of traffic patterns, road conditions, and other relevant factors, ensuring that it always has the most up-to-date information for decision-making.

Step 15: Integrating Purpose and Long-Term PlanningPatent: CN202111658319.X - Intention-Driven DIKWP Model Construction Method for Long-Term Goal Alignment

Objective: Ensure that the AGI's actions are consistently aligned with long-term goals and purposes.


  • Long-Term Planning in AGI: Effective AGI systems must not only focus on immediate tasks but also ensure that their actions contribute to long-term objectives.

  • DIKWP Contribution: This patent emphasizes the integration of long-term planning into the AGI’s decision-making processes, ensuring that daily operations align with broader goals.

  • Proof Detail:

    • The patent specifies techniques for embedding long-term goals into the AGI’s operational framework, helping it prioritize actions that support these goals.

    • Example Scenario: An AGI tasked with managing a smart city ensures that its energy conservation measures align with the city’s long-term sustainability goals, even when making short-term operational decisions.

Step 16: Ethical and Responsible AI BehaviorPatent: CN202011104613.1 - Cross-DIKW Modal Privacy Resource Protection Method

Objective: Ensure the AGI behaves ethically and responsibly, particularly in handling sensitive information.


  • Responsible AI Behavior: AGI must handle sensitive information in a manner that respects privacy and ethical guidelines.

  • DIKWP Contribution: This patent provides a framework for ensuring that the AGI’s actions are guided by ethical principles, particularly in scenarios involving sensitive or personal data.

  • Proof Detail:

    • The patent outlines methods for protecting privacy and ensuring ethical data handling, which can be integrated into the AGI’s operational protocols.

    • Example Scenario: When the AGI processes health-related data, it uses this framework to ensure that all actions comply with privacy laws and ethical standards, protecting patient confidentiality and data integrity.

Step 17: Enhancing Predictive Accuracy and RobustnessPatent: CN202011196953.1 - Cross-DIKW Modal User Behavior Encoding and Decoding Method

Objective: Improve the AGI's predictive accuracy by enhancing its ability to decode and interpret user behavior.


  • Predictive Accuracy in AGI: High predictive accuracy is crucial for AGI systems to make reliable decisions.

  • DIKWP Contribution: This patent enhances the AGI’s ability to interpret and predict user behavior by encoding and decoding behavior patterns across different DIKW modalities.

  • Proof Detail:

    • The patent describes techniques for accurately decoding user behavior, enabling the AGI to predict future actions and preferences with greater precision.

    • Example Scenario: The AGI can predict a user’s next action based on past behavior patterns, allowing it to offer more personalized and relevant recommendations.

Step 18: Semantic Integrity and Knowledge ValidationPatent: CN202110431356.0 - DIKW-Based Resource Identification Method

Objective: Ensure the AGI maintains semantic integrity and validates its knowledge continuously.


  • Semantic Integrity in AGI: Ensuring that the AGI’s knowledge base remains semantically accurate and valid is essential for reliable decision-making.

  • DIKWP Contribution: This patent provides methods for maintaining the semantic integrity of the AGI’s knowledge base, ensuring that all knowledge is accurate and reliable.

  • Proof Detail:

    • The patent outlines techniques for cross-validating knowledge across different DIKW modalities, preventing errors and inconsistencies from corrupting the AGI’s knowledge base.

    • Example Scenario: When the AGI integrates new information, it uses this system to validate the data against existing knowledge, ensuring that only accurate and reliable information is retained.

Step 19: Adaptive Learning and Continuous ImprovementPatent: CN202111004843.5 - Intention-Driven DIKW Resource Interaction Filling System

Objective: Facilitate continuous learning and improvement by enabling the AGI to adapt its knowledge base as it encounters new information.


  • Adaptive Learning in AGI: Continuous improvement through adaptive learning is crucial for AGI systems to stay relevant and effective.

  • DIKWP Contribution: This patent enables the AGI to update and refine its knowledge base as it encounters new data, ensuring continuous improvement.

  • Proof Detail:

    • The patent describes mechanisms for integrating new information into the AGI’s knowledge base, allowing it to learn and adapt continuously.

    • Example Scenario: The AGI can adjust its strategies and knowledge based on real-time feedback, ensuring that it remains effective even as conditions change.

Step 20: Ensuring Robustness and Fault TolerancePatent: CN202010692385.8 - Cross-DIKW Modal Early Warning Method and Components

Objective: Ensure that the AGI maintains robustness and fault tolerance by implementing early warning systems that can detect potential issues before they escalate.


  • Robustness in AGI: To be reliable, an AGI system must be able to detect and respond to potential failures or unexpected conditions in real-time, maintaining operational stability even in adverse situations.

  • DIKWP Contribution: This patent provides methods for implementing early warning systems that monitor the AGI’s operations across different DIKW (Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom) modalities, detecting anomalies or deviations that could indicate potential problems.

  • Proof Detail:

    • The patent outlines specific techniques for real-time monitoring and alert generation based on cross-modal data analysis, enabling the AGI to take preemptive action to mitigate risks.

    • Example Scenario: The AGI continuously monitors its internal processes and external interactions. If it detects a pattern that suggests a potential failure (e.g., a sudden drop in sensor reliability or conflicting knowledge inputs), it triggers an alert and initiates corrective actions to prevent the issue from affecting overall system performance.

Report Summary: Enhancing LeCun's World Model AGI with DIKWP Patents

This report has detailed the potential contributions of DIKWP patents to the enhancement of LeCun's World Model AGI. The investigation focused on various aspects of AGI development, including data integration, knowledge formation, ethical decision-making, goal alignment, and fault tolerance. Each step involved examining specific patents and their unique contributions to addressing challenges within these areas.

Key Insights:

  1. Data Integration and Multi-Modality: Patents like CN202011198393.3 offer sophisticated methods for integrating multi-modal data, crucial for building comprehensive and accurate world models.

  2. Knowledge Formation and Semantic Understanding: CN202111004843.5 and related patents enhance the AGI’s ability to build dynamic, semantically rich knowledge bases that evolve with new experiences.

  3. Ethical Decision-Making: Patents such as CN202011103480.6 and CN202110381129.1 provide frameworks for ethical decision-making and privacy protection, ensuring the AGI behaves responsibly.

  4. Adaptive Learning and Continuous Improvement: CN202111004843.5 and similar patents enable the AGI to continuously adapt and improve, keeping its knowledge base current and effective.

  5. Robustness and Fault Tolerance: The implementation of early warning systems (CN202010692385.8) enhances the AGI’s robustness, ensuring it can detect and respond to potential issues before they impact overall functionality.

Next Steps:

To fully leverage the potential of these DIKWP patents in enhancing LeCun's World Model AGI, it is recommended to:

  • Integrate the proposed methods into existing AGI frameworks, starting with pilot projects that focus on specific challenges such as multi-modal data integration or ethical decision-making.

  • Collaborate with leading AI researchers and organizations to refine these techniques and explore their applicability in various real-world scenarios.

  • Monitor and evaluate the performance of the AGI systems after incorporating DIKWP-based enhancements, focusing on improvements in areas like predictive accuracy, ethical behavior, and adaptability.


The application of DIKWP patents holds significant promise for advancing AGI technology, particularly in addressing the complex challenges associated with building robust, adaptive, and ethically sound AI systems. By systematically integrating these innovations, the field of AGI can make substantial strides toward realizing the vision of truly autonomous, intelligent systems capable of understanding and interacting with the world in a meaningful and beneficial way.


上一篇:Construct Artificial Consciousness System with DIKWP (初学者版)
下一篇:DIKWP\'s Prospects for Intelligent Applications in Healthcare
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