The 80/20 Principle:
1. Health: 80% eating, 20% exercising
2. Wealth: 80% habit, 20% math
3. Talking: 80% listening, 20%speaking
4. Learning: 80% understanding, 20% reading
5. Achieving: 80% doing, 20% dreaming
6. Happiness: 80% purpose, 20% fun
7. Relationship: 80% giving, 20% receiving
8. Improving: 80% persistence, 20% ideas
Emphasizing the 80% and the rest will fall into place
From unknown origin
I’ll add my own here
9. To gain political power for a minority: concentrate 80% of your voting power on one candidate of your group choice and don’t worry by the other 20% (political movement for Asian-Americans originated by S.B.Woo, former Lt. governor of Delware in 1998)
10. If your life is 80% great, then you need the other 20% to keep your perspective. Perfection will become boring very quickly Getting there is all the fun.
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