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500年未解,研究人员破解了达芬奇悖论 精选

已有 8848 次阅读 2023-2-6 10:09 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:海外观察




Fig. 1 Five centuries ago, Leonardo da Vinci observed air bubbles deviating from a straight path in a zigzag or spiral motion. However, the cause of this periodic motion remained unknown until now.


Fig. 2 Leonardo’s sketch showing the spiral motion of an ascending bubble (from his manuscript known as the Codex Leicester). Credit: Universidad de Sevilla

据塞维利亚大学(University Of Seville202323日报道,500年未解,研究人员破解了达芬奇悖论(Unsolved for 500 Years: Researchers Crack Leonardo da Vinci’s Paradox)。

500年前,莱昂纳多·达芬奇(Leonardo da Vinci)观察到气泡以之字形或螺旋形的方式偏离直线路径。然而,这种周期性运动的原因至今仍不清楚。来自塞维利亚大学和布里斯托尔大学(University Of Bristol)的研究人员解开了气泡在水中不稳定上升路径的谜团。塞维利亚大学的米格尔·安杰尔·赫拉达(Miguel ángel Herrada)教授和布里斯托大学的延斯·埃格斯(Jens G. Eggers)发现了一种机制,可以解释气泡在水中上升的不规则运动。相关研究结果于2023117日已经在美国《国家科学院院刊》(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences简称PNAS)杂志网站发表——Miguel A. HerradaJens G. Eggers. Path instability of an air bubble rising in water. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 17 January 2023, 120 (4): e2216830120. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2216830120. https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2216830120. 该研究结果可以为人们深入了解介于固态和气态之间的粒子的行为提供参考。


莱昂纳多·达芬奇在他的《莱斯特法典》(Codex Leicester)手稿中的草图,显示了一个上升的气泡的螺旋运动(Fig. 2)。发表在PNAS的这篇文章的作者们开发了一种数值离散技术来精确地描述气泡的气水界面,这使得他们能够模拟气泡的运动并探索其稳定性。他们的模拟结果与非稳态气泡运动的高精度测量结果非常吻合,并且表明当气泡的球面半径超过0.926 mm时,气泡会偏离水中的直线轨迹,这一结果与20世纪90年代用超纯水获得的实验值相差不到2%




It has been documented since the Renaissance that an air bubble rising in water will deviate from its straight, steady path to perform a periodic zigzag or spiral motion once the bubble is above a critical size. Yet, unsteady bubble rise has resisted quantitative description, and the physical mechanism remains in dispute. Using a numerical mapping technique, we for the first time find quantitative agreement with high-precision measurements of the instability. Our linear stability analysis shows that the straight path of an air bubble in water becomes unstable to a periodic perturbation (a Hopf bifurcation) above a critical spherical radius of R = 0.926 mm, within 2% of the experimental value. While it was previously believed that the bubble’s wake becomes unstable, we now demonstrate a new mechanism, based on the interplay between flow and bubble deformation.


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