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抗癌药物为败血症治疗带来新希望 精选

已有 5900 次阅读 2023-2-7 15:33 |个人分类:药物动态|系统分类:海外观察




Sepsis is a serious medical condition caused by an overwhelming immune response to an infection. It can lead to organ failure and death if not treated quickly and effectively. 

据葡萄牙奥埃拉什的古尔本基科学研究所(Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciencia简称IGC, Oeiras, Portugal)202324日报道,现成的抗癌药物对于败血症治疗带来新希望: (A New Hope for Sepsis Treatments: Anticancer Drugs)

败血症(Sepsis)是一种严重的疾病,是由于对感染的强烈免疫反应而引起的。如果不及时有效地治疗,它可能导致器官衰竭和死亡。由古尔本基科学研究所(IGC)进行的研究表明,现成的一些药物可以控制炎症,从而使它们成为治疗败血症的潜在药物。相关研究结果于2022127日已经在 eLife 杂志网站发表——Angelo Ferreira Chora, Dora Pedroso, Eleni Kyriakou, Nadja Pejanovic, Henrique Colaço, Raffaella Gozzelino, André Barros, Katharina Willmann, Tiago Velho, Catarina F Moita, Isa Santos, Pedro Pereira, Silvia Carvalho, Filipa Batalha Martins, João A Ferreira, Sérgio Fernandes de Almeida, Vladimir Benes, Josef Anrather, Sebastian Weis, Miguel P Soares, Arie Geerlof, Jacques Neefjes, Michael Sattler, Ana C Messias, Ana Neves-Costa, Luis Ferreira Moita. DNA damage independent inhibition of NF-κB transcription by anthracyclines. eLife, 7 December 2022; 11: e77443. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.77443.

参与此项研究的有来自葡萄牙里斯本大学医学院分子医学研究所(Instituto de Medicina Molecular, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal)、葡萄牙奥埃拉什的古尔本基科学研究所先天免疫和炎症实验室(Innate Immunity and Inflammation Laboratory, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Oeiras, Portugal)、葡萄牙里斯本的NOVA医学院( NOVA Medical School简称NMS, Lisbon, Portugal)、葡萄牙里斯本北医院中心-圣玛丽亚医院(Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Norte - Hospital de Santa Maria, EPE, Avenida Professor Egas Moniz, Lisbon, Portugal)、西班牙塞图巴尔医院中心(Centro Hospitalar de Setúbal, Setúbal, Portugal)、葡萄牙里斯本大学医学院组织学和发育生物学研究所(Instituto de Histologia e Biologia do Desenvolvimento, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal);德国赫姆霍兹慕尼黑中心结构生物学研究所(Institute of Structural Biology, Molecular Targets and Therapeutics Center, Helmholtz Zentrum München, Neuherberg, Germany)、德国加尔兴的慕尼黑工业大学(Technical University of Munich, Garching, Germany)、德国海德堡的EMBL基因组核心设施(EMBL Genomics Core Facilities, Heidelberg, Germany)、德国耶拿弗里德里希-席勒大学(Friedrich-Schiller University, Jena, Germany)、德国耶拿的弗里德里希-席勒大学耶拿大学医院(Jena University Hospital, Friedrich-Schiller University, Jena, Germany)、德国耶拿的汉斯诺勒研究所(Hans Knöll Institute简称HKI, Jena, Germany);美国纽约威尔康乃尔医学院(Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, United States)以及荷兰莱登大学医学中心(Leiden University Medical Center简称LUMC, Leiden, Netherlands)的研究人员。

败血症是人体对感染的极端反应,每年夺去1100万人的生命。仅仅消除感染源是不足以在严重感染中存活下来的,减轻感染和免疫反应对器官造成的伤害也是至关重要的。IGC的先天免疫和炎症研究小组(The Innate Immunity and Inflammation research group at the IGC)关注的是第二个方面,这仍然不是败血症治疗干预的一部分。



下一个挑战是了解这些药物如何控制炎症。“我们发现蒽环类药物可以控制免疫系统细胞中的相关炎症基因”, 这项研究的合著者之一、IGC的研究人员安娜·内韦斯-科斯塔(Ana Neves-Costa)解释说。通过与细胞DNA形成复合物,这些药物避免了驱动这些基因表达的因子的结合。结果,细胞产生的炎症分子减少了。此研究人员补充道:“这种新机制特别重要,因为它没有在化疗中使用高剂量的这些化合物所引起的副作用。”

负责这项研究的IGC首席研究员、也是一名受过培训的医生路易斯·莫伊塔(Luis Moita)解释说:“通过这项工作,我们找到了一种可能的新方法,可以更有效地治疗由过度炎症引起的疾病,如败血症和类风湿性关节炎(rheumatoid arthritis)。鉴于这些药物已经被批准用于临床,重新利用这些药物进行新的治疗将比从头做起要容易得多。”本研究中描述的基因表达的调节和炎症的限制,也可能有助于蒽环类药物在癌症治疗中的有效性,而这些之前尚未被认识到。

该研究由欧盟委员会地平线2020European Commission Horizon 2020)和葡萄牙科学与技术基金会(foundation for science and technology / Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia简称FCT)资助。



Anthracyclines are among the most used and effective anticancer drugs. Their activity has been attributed to DNA double-strand breaks resulting from topoisomerase II poisoning and to eviction of histones from select sites in the genome. Here, we show that the extensively used anthracyclines Doxorubicin, Daunorubicin, and Epirubicin decrease the transcription of nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB)-dependent gene targets, but not interferon-responsive genes in primary mouse (Mus musculus) macrophages. Using an NMR-based structural approach, we demonstrate that anthracyclines disturb the complexes formed between the NF-κB subunit RelA and its DNA-binding sites. The anthracycline variants Aclarubicin, Doxorubicinone, and the newly developed Dimethyl-doxorubicin, which share anticancer properties with the other anthracyclines but do not induce DNA damage, also suppressed inflammation, thus uncoupling DNA damage from the effects on inflammation. These findings have implications for anticancer therapy and for the development of novel anti-inflammatory drugs with limited side effects for life-threatening conditions such as sepsis.


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