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Nature Plants:苜蓿AHL转录因子作用于NCR基因表达和根瘤发育

已有 1645 次阅读 2023-1-11 23:57 |个人分类:每日摘要|系统分类:论文交流

Widely conserved AHL transcription factors are essential for NCR gene expression and nodule development in Medicago

第一作者Senlei Zhang


通讯作者Eva Kondorosi 


背景回顾:Symbiotic nitrogen fixation by Rhizobium bacteria in the cells of legume root nodules alleviates the need for nitrogen fertilizers. Nitrogen fixation requires the endosymbionts to differentiate into bacteroidswhich can be reversible or terminal. The latter is controlled by the plant, it is more beneficial and has evolved in multiple clades of the Leguminosae family. The plant effectors of terminal differentiation in inverted repeat-lacking clade legumes (IRLC) are nodule-specific cysteine-rich (NCR) peptides, which are absent in legumes such as soybean where there is no terminal differentiation of rhizobia. 

主要研究It was assumed that NCRs co-evolved with specific transcription factors, but our work demonstrates that expression of NCR genes does not require NCR-specific transcription factors. 

结果1-NCR169基因功能Introduction of the Medicago truncatula NCR169 gene under its own promoter into soybean roots resulted in its nodule-specific expression, leading to bacteroid changes associated with terminal differentiation. 

结果2-AHL-NCR169We identified two AT-Hook Motif Nuclear Localized (AHL) transcription factors from both M. truncatula and soybean nodules that bound to AT-rich sequences in the NCR169 promoter inducing its expression. 

结果3-AHL调控更多的NCRsWhereas mutation of NCR169 arrested bacteroid development at a late stage, the absence of MtAHL1 or MtAHL2completely blocked bacteroid differentiation indicating that they also regulate other NCRgenes required for the development of nitrogen-fixing nodules. 

结论Regulation of NCRs by orthologous transcription factors in non-IRLC legumes opens up the possibility of increasing the efficiency of nitrogen fixation in legumes lacking NCRs.


 摘 要 


doi: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41477-022-01326-4

Journal: Nature Plants

Published date: January 09, 2023

Zhang, S., Wang, T., Lima, R.M. et al. Widely conserved AHL transcription factors are essential for NCR gene expression and nodule development in Medicago. Nat. Plants (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41477-022-01326-4


上一篇:Nature Plants:杨树维管形成层活性的表观遗传与转录协同调控机制
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