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二甲双胍需要细胞应激反应蛋白的作用才能发挥作用 精选

已有 5158 次阅读 2022-12-17 20:51 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:博客资讯




Fig. 1 Metformin is the most prescribed drug for treating diabetes mellitus, known as type 2 diabetes.


Fig. 2 The study identifies the cytokine GDF15, a protein whose expression increases in response to cellular stress, as a key factor for the metformin drug to show antidiabetic effects.


Fig. 3 Type 2 diabetes is a complex metabolic disorder characterised mainly by an excessive amount of glucose in the blood.

据西班牙巴塞罗那大学Universitat de Barcelona简称UB20221216日报道,最常见的 2 型糖尿病药物需要细胞应激反应蛋白的作用才能发挥作用(The most common type 2 diabetes drug needs the action of a cellular-stress-response protein to make effect)。

二甲双胍(MetforminFig. 1)是治疗糖尿病(也称为2型糖尿病)最常用的处方药,它需要生长分化因子15(growth differentiation factor 15简称GDF15),这是一种其表达随细胞应激反应而增加的蛋白质的存在才能发挥其抗糖尿病作用。这是由巴塞罗那大学 (UB) 糖尿病和相关代谢疾病网络生物医学研究中心 (Diabetes and Associated Metabolic Diseases Networking Biomedical Research Centre /  Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Diabetes y Enfermedades Metabólicas简称CIBERDEM) 以及Sant Joan de Déu研究所(Sant Joan de Déu Research Institute简称IRSJD)的研究小组领导的一项研究中指出的,其中包括阿尔贝托·索尔斯生物医学研究所(Alberto Sols Biomedical Research Institute, CSIC/UAM) 的一个团队。相关研究结果于202211月份已经在《药理学研究》(Pharmacological Research)杂志网站发表,印刷版将刊登于2023年元月出版的第187卷——David Aguilar-Recarte, Emma Barroso, Meijian Zhang, Patricia Rada, Javier Pizarro-Delgado, Lucía Peña, Xavier Palomer, ángela M. Valverde, Walter Wahli, Manuel Vázquez-Carrera. A positive feedback loop between AMPK and GDF15 promotes metformin antidiabetic effectsPharmacological Research, January 2023, Volume 187,  106578. DOI: 10.1016/j.phrs.2022.106578. November 2022. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1043661822005242

此研究揭示了一种新机制,通过该机制,参与细胞应激反应的GDF15细胞因子的正向调节激活了一种代谢传感器 (AMPKAMP-activated protein kinase),这是能量平衡的关键。该研究还表明,GDF15的作用与其位于中枢神经系统的受体(迄今为止唯一已知的受体)的激活无关,这表明存在由外周受体介导的这种细胞因子的新作用尚待确定。

2 型糖尿病是一种复杂的代谢紊乱,其主要特征是由于身体无法对胰岛素作用做出适当反应(称为胰岛素抵抗的过程)或无法产生这种激素,导致血液中葡萄糖含量过高。在这种病理学的发展过程中,细胞应激发生,导致细胞因子分泌增加以响应这一过程——例如 GDF15——激活机制来抵消炎症或胰岛素抵抗等过程。

尽管二甲双胍是治疗 2 型糖尿病最常用的药物,但其抗糖尿病作用的机制尚不完全清楚。出于这个原因,这项研究旨在确定二甲双胍的作用是否取决于应激反应蛋白 GDF15,根据UB药学与食品科学学院(Faculty of Pharmacy and Food SciencesCIBERDEM小组负责人和UB生物医学研究所(UB Institute of Biomedicine简称IBUB)的曼纽尔·巴斯克斯-卡雷拉(Manuel Vázquez-Carrera)教授、该研究的通讯作者的说法,“GDF15是一种细胞应激反应细胞因子——在心力衰竭、癌症、脂肪肝和糖尿病等许多疾病中水平升高——它已被视为许多疾病的潜在生物标志物,在这项具体研究中,我们研究了它参与了二甲双胍对AMPK的激活。

阿尔贝托·索尔斯生物医学研究所的CIBERDEM小组组长安吉拉·瓦尔韦德(ángela M. Valverde)是该研究的合著者,他认为:我们的研究结果表明,二甲双胍激活AMPK会增加GDF15水平,并且,同时,这种细胞因子有助于维持AMPK活性

对含有和不含细胞因子GDF15的野生小鼠的研究(A study in wild mice with and without the cytokine GDF15

为了得出这些结论,研究人员使用了表达GDF15的野生小鼠和其他没有这种细胞因子的小鼠。通过给这些小鼠喂食高脂肪饮食导致肥胖和2型糖尿病后,他们观察到,在没有GDF15 的小鼠中,二甲双胍对野生小鼠产生的抗糖尿病作用消失了。

此外,在那些不表达GDF15的小鼠中,由二甲双胍引起的野生小鼠肝脏和肌肉中的AMPK 激活也不存在。




Background and aims

Metformin, the most prescribed drug for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus, has been recently reported to promote weight loss by upregulating the anorectic cytokine growth differentiation factor 15 (GDF15). Since the antidiabetic effects of metformin are mostly mediated by the activation of AMPK, a key metabolic sensor in energy homeostasis, we examined whether the activation of this kinase by metformin was dependent on GDF15.


Cultured hepatocytes and myotubes, and wild-type and Gdf15-/- mice were utilized in a series of studies to investigate the involvement of GDF15 in the activation of AMPK by metformin.


A low dose of metformin increased GDF15 levels without significantly reducing body weight or food intake, but it ameliorated glucose intolerance and activated AMPK in the liver and skeletal muscle of wild-type mice but not Gdf15-/- mice fed a high-fat diet. Cultured hepatocytes and myotubes treated with metformin showed AMPK-mediated increases in GDF15 levels independently of its central receptor GFRAL, while Gdf15 knockdown blunted the effect of metformin on AMPK activation, suggesting that AMPK is required for the metformin-mediated increase in GDF15, which in turn is needed to sustain the full activation of this kinase independently of the CNS.


Overall, these findings uncover a novel mechanism through which GDF15 upregulation by metformin is involved in achieving and sustaining full AMPK activation by this drug independently of the CNS.


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2 农绍庄 许培扬

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