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已有 4296 次阅读 2022-3-19 20:21 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:海外观察




Credit: CERN


Credit: CERN

据欧洲核子研究中心CERN) 2022317日提供的消息,“混合物质的惊人行为:超流氦中的反物质原子(Surprising behavior of hybrid matter: Antimatter atoms in superfluid helium)”。报道了该中心的原子光谱学与慢反质子碰撞合作(the Atomic Spectroscopy And Collisions Using Slow Antiprotons collaboration简称The ASACUSA collaboration)报告,一种混合物质(A hybrid matter)——一个反物质氦原子(antimatter helium atom)包含一个反质子(antiproton),这个反质子的反物质相当于一个电子,当它浸入到超流氦(superfluid helium)中时,会对激光产生意想不到的反应。相关研究结果于2022316日已经在《自然》(Nature)杂志网站发表——Anna Sótér, Hossein Aghai-Khozani, Dániel Barna, Andreas Dax, Luca Venturelli, Masaki Hori. High-resolution laser resonances of antiprotonic helium in superfluid 4He. Nature, Published: 16 March 2022, Volume 603, pages 411–415.  DOI: 10.1038/s41586-022-04440-7. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-022-04440-7.此文中对其有详细描述,此结果可能为多个领域的研究打开大门。

ASACUSA的联合发言人Masaki Hori:“我们的研究表明,混合物质-反物质氦原子可以用于粒子物理(particle physics)之外,特别是凝聚态物理,甚至可能用于天体物理实验。我们可以说是在使用反质子研究凝聚态物质方面迈出了第一步。”

ASACUSA的合作很好地用于制造物质-反物质混合氦原子(hybrid matter–antimatter helium atoms),以确定反质子的质量,并将其与质子的质量进行比较。这些混合原子(hybrid atoms)包含一个反质子和一个围绕氦核的电子(而不是一个围绕氦核的两个电子),它们是由CERN反物质工厂(CERN's antimatter factory)产生的反质子和一种原子密度低且保存在低温(low temperature)下的氦气(helium gas)混合而成的。

低气体密度和低温度在这些反物质研究中发挥了关键作用,这涉及到测量混合原子对激光的响应,以确定它们的光谱。由于反质子或电子在能级(energy levels)之间的跃迁,高气体密度和高温度导致了光谱线的产生。光谱线太宽,甚至太模糊,以致于无法确定反质子相对于电子的质量。


此外,当他们将液氦(liquid helium)的温度降低到低于液体成为超流体(即没有任何阻力的流动)的温度时,他们发现谱线进一步突然变窄。

负责这项实验的博士生安娜·索特(Anna Sótér)说:“这种行为是出乎意料的。超流氦中的杂化氦原子的光学响应与高密度气态氦中的相同杂化氦原子以及液体或超流中的许多正常原子的光学响应截然不同。”安娜·索特现在是苏黎世联邦理工学院(Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich简称ETHZ)的助理教授。


这一结果有几个后果。首先,研究人员可以利用不同的反物质和奇异粒子在超流氦中创造其他的混合氦原子,如介子氦原子(pionic helium atoms),以详细研究它们对激光(laser light)的响应,并测量粒子质量。其次,超流氦中谱线的大幅变窄表明,混合氦原子(hybrid helium atoms)可以用来研究这种形式的物质,以及可能的其它凝聚态物质相。最后,狭窄的谱线在原则上可以用来搜索速度特别慢的宇宙反质子或反氘核(由反质子和反中子组成的原子核),它们撞击液体或超流体氦(superfluid helium),用于在太空或高空气球中冷却实验。然而,在该方法成为对寻找这些形式反物质的现有技术的补充之前,许多技术挑战必须克服。


奇异的氦原子中的冰冻行星状态(Frozen-planet states in exotic helium atoms


When atoms are placed into liquids, their optical spectral lines corresponding to the electronic transitions are greatly broadened compared to those of single, isolated atoms. This linewidth increase can often reach a factor of more than a million, obscuring spectroscopic structures and preventing high-resolution spectroscopy, even when superfluid helium, which is the most transparent, cold and chemically inert liquid, is used as the host material1,2,3,4,5,6. Here we show that when an exotic helium atom with a constituent antiproton7,8,9 is embedded into superfluid helium, its visible-wavelength spectral line retains a sub-gigahertz linewidth. An abrupt reduction in the linewidth of the antiprotonic laser resonance was observed when the liquid surrounding the atom transitioned into the superfluid phase. This resolved the hyperfine structure arising from the spin–spin interaction between the electron and antiproton with a relative spectral resolution of two parts in 106, even though the antiprotonic helium resided in a dense matrix of normal matter atoms. The electron shell of the antiprotonic atom retains a small radius of approximately 40 picometres during the laser excitation7. This implies that other helium atoms containing antinuclei, as well as negatively charged mesons and hyperons that include strange quarks formed in superfluid helium, may be studied by laser spectroscopy with a high spectral resolution, enabling the determination of the particle masses9. The sharp spectral lines may enable the detection of cosmic-ray antiprotons10,11 or searches for antideuterons12 that come to rest in liquid helium targets.


下一篇:热极点: 南极洲,北极分别比正常温度高出40℃和30℃
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2 周少祥 许培扬

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