GRM矩阵,全称:genetic relationship matrix (GRM)。
Estimate the genetic relationship matrix (GRM) between pairs of individuals from a set of SNPs and save the lower triangle elements of the GRM to binary files, e.g. test.grm.bin, test.grm.N.bin, test.grm.id. 结果会生成矩阵的下三角,保存为二进制文件。
「Output file」
gcta64 --bfile ../test --make-grm --make-grm-alg 0 --out g1
# R script to read the GRM binary file ReadGRMBin=function(prefix, AllN=F, size=4){ sum_i=function(i){ return(sum(1:i)) } BinFileName=paste(prefix,".grm.bin",sep="") NFileName=paste(prefix,".grm.N.bin",sep="") IDFileName=paste(prefix,".grm.id",sep="") id = read.table(IDFileName) n=dim(id)[1] BinFile=file(BinFileName, "rb"); grm=readBin(BinFile, n=n*(n+1)/2, what=numeric(0), size=size) NFile=file(NFileName, "rb"); if(AllN==T){ N=readBin(NFile, n=n*(n+1)/2, what=numeric(0), size=size) } else N=readBin(NFile, n=1, what=numeric(0), size=size) i=sapply(1:n, sum_i) return(list(diag=grm[i], off=grm[-i], id=id, N=N)) }
aa = ReadGRMBin(prefix = "g1") G_mat = matrix(0,length(aa$diag),length(aa$diag)) diag(G_mat) = aa$diag lowerTriangle(G_mat,byrow = T) = aa$off G_mat = G_mat+t(G_mat)-diag(diag(G_mat)) rownames(G_mat) = colnames(G_mat) = aa$id$V2 G_mat[1:10,1:10]
Estimate the GRM, save the lower triangle elements to a compressed text file (e.g. test.grm.gz) and save the IDs in a plain text file (e.g. test.grm.id). 估计的GRM文件,存储矩阵的下三角,压缩文件,存储ID信息
「Output file format」test.grm.gz (no header line; columns are indices of pairs of individuals (row numbers of the test.grm.id), number of non-missing SNPs and the estimate of genetic relatedness) 生成的文件,为压缩文件,第一列和第二列为编号信息(根据ID的顺序编号,相当于是矩阵的下三角行列信息),第三列是SNP个数,第四列是相关系数
1 1 1000 1.0021 2 1 998 0.0231 2 2 999 0.9998 3 1 1000 -0.0031 ...
test.grm.id (no header line; columns are family ID and individual ID) 为FID和IID数据,第一列为家系信息,第二列是个体ID。
011 0101 012 0102 013 0103 ...
gcta64 --bfile test --make-grm-bin --make-grm-alg 1 --out g1 --maf 0.01
ReadGRMBin=function(prefix, AllN=F, size=4){ sum_i=function(i){ return(sum(1:i)) } BinFileName=paste(prefix,".grm.bin",sep="") NFileName=paste(prefix,".grm.N.bin",sep="") IDFileName=paste(prefix,".grm.id",sep="") id = read.table(IDFileName) n=dim(id)[1] BinFile=file(BinFileName, "rb"); grm=readBin(BinFile, n=n*(n+1)/2, what=numeric(0), size=size) NFile=file(NFileName, "rb"); if(AllN==T){ N=readBin(NFile, n=n*(n+1)/2, what=numeric(0), size=size) } else N=readBin(NFile, n=1, what=numeric(0), size=size) i=sapply(1:n, sum_i) return(list(diag=grm[i], off=grm[-i], id=id, N=N)) } aa = ReadGRMBin(prefix = "g1") G_mat = matrix(0,length(aa$diag),length(aa$diag)) diag(G_mat) = aa$diag lowerTriangle(G_mat,byrow = T) = aa$off G_mat = G_mat+t(G_mat)-diag(diag(G_mat)) rownames(G_mat) = colnames(G_mat) = aa$id$V2 #diag(G_mat) = diag(G_mat) + 0.01 ginv = G.inverse(G_mat,sparseform = T)$Ginv head(ginv)
「GCTA reml的结果:」
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