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Global Approximation Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics

已有 2675 次阅读 2021-1-17 12:08 |个人分类:量子力学|系统分类:论文交流

Global Approximation Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics (Standard Interpretation)

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The interpretation of quantum mechanics (QM) has been being fiercely debated ever since its early times. We have made much progress in understanding the basic interactions and elementary particles a few decades after. However, these progress have never been incorporated into QM even though it supposes to deal with the microscopic world. We are still puzzled about many phenomena in QM.

To fill the discrepancy, we adopt the advances of the more fundamental theories, i.e., Standard Model (SM) and its peers, together with some extended reasoning, and try to interpret QM with no extra assumption. To our surprise, our approach seems to lead to intuitive understandings of all formerly puzzled QM concepts and phenomena.

The major findings are:

1. QM is a global approximation theory, i.e., it describes the spatial and temporal approximate global behavior of the physical system; QM predictions are valid only as the coherence of the system is valid; this can be applied or extrapolated to the definition of elementary particles, and their properties. This interpretation can be called global approximation interpretation (GAI) of QM, or standard interpretation (SI), as it is based on the worldview provided by SM with some extensions.

2. The global mode of the quantum system is developed, in which coherence and feedbacks work, and lead to the failure of causality. As coherence gradually disappears, the system evolves into a classic one, while the principle of locality dominates.

3. The solution to the Schr\"{o}dinger equation is the ideal global solution of the matter wave of the system. The probabilistic explanation comes from the lack of understanding of the development of the global mode. The wave function is the energy density, other than probability.

4. All quantum phenomena are the emergence of quantization of continuous physical processes. The eigenstate is the quantized state. The emergence of eigenstates results from the system topology and interaction and is a natural physical result. In a system with continuous physical quantities, the global eigenstate will naturally appear, leading to energy discretization, angular momentum quantization, etc.

5. All physical quantities are continuous and do not require quantization assumptions. There is no boundary between the classical and quantum realm. Wavy properties are natural. Changes and interactions naturally exist in the form of waves.

6. A particle is a structure where a wave is constrained. There are no point-like elementary particles, only the relatively stable energy perturbation pattern of the complex interacting fields. The standard model elementary particle table can be understood as the intrinsic perturbation modes corresponding to certain degrees of freedom, which is not necessarily the picture of the real particle.

7. Quantum nonlocality is an illusion or the superficial appearance of quantum global effects. No matter in the basic theories we have established, or logically, nonlocality that violates Einstein's principle of locality should not exist, no matter at the quantum level or the macro level.

8. In the cognitive system of GAI (SI), reductionism and holism, idealism and materialism, determinism and indeterminism, the ultimate understandings of the world reconcile with their opposition, and reality is relative.

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