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Re-activation of Stem Cell Pathways for Pattern Restoration in Plant Wound Healing

First author: Petra Marhava; Affiliations: Institute of Science and Technology Austria (奥地利科学技术研究所): Klosterneuburg, Austria

Corresponding author: Jiří Friml

Patterning in plants relies on oriented cell divisions and acquisition of specific cell identities. Plants regularly endure wounds caused by abiotic or biotic environmental stimuli and have developed extraordinary abilities to restore their tissues after injuries. Here, we provide insight into a mechanism of restorative patterning that repairs tissues after wounding. Laser-assisted elimination of different cells in Arabidopsis root combined with live-imaging tracking during vertical growth allowed analysis of the regeneration processes in vivo. Specifically, the cells adjacent to the inner side of the injury re-activated their stem cell transcriptional programs. They accelerated their progression through cell cycle, coordinately changed the cell division orientation, and ultimately acquired de novo the correct cell fates to replace missing cells. These observations highlight existence of unknown intercellular positional signaling and demonstrate the capability of specified cells to re-acquire stem cell programs as a crucial part of the plant-specific mechanism of wound healing.



多细胞动物和植物在分化之后各自演化都很成功,因此,这两个主要的真核生物类群肯定发育出了各自应对如细胞间通讯、发育协调以及组织模式建成等多细胞结构问题的机制。与动物不同的是,植物细胞外面有一层细胞壁,因此在组织模式加成和伤口自愈过程中并不能通过细胞迁移来解决问题。因此,植物可能会通过获取特定的细胞命运,严格控制细胞的分裂方向来应对这一问题(Rasmussen and Bellinger, 2018)。核心的细胞周期机制在动、植物之间是保守的(Harashima et al., 2013),但调控细胞周期阶段转变的信号和机制,以及模式建成过程中细胞分裂板的控制在很大程度上是植物特异的。植物中有关细胞命运特化的分子组份和机制已经研究的很深入了(Benfey et al., 1993,De Rybel et al., 2013),但是关于这些机制是如何被激活并整合到一起共同作用于组织的模式建成还不清楚。

植物属于固着生物,必需要时常忍受由生物或非生物环境因子造成的损伤。因此,植物演化出了一套能够再生受伤组织的非凡能力,比如,重新链接被打断的维管束(Mazur et al., 2016)、再生比较复杂的组织结构:根尖分生组织(Efroni et al., 2016, Sena et al., 2009)。近一个世纪以来人们一直都认为受损伤的植物组织会激活邻近细胞的分裂,并转换细胞分裂板的方向以便形成的子细胞能够填充受损伤部位缺失的细胞(Hartsema, 1926, Hush et al., 1990, Sinnott and Bloch, 1941)。随后,人们用拟南芥的根建立起了一个研究植物模式建成机制的模式(Benfey et al., 1993, Dolan et al., 1993),更确切地说,借助显微、激光辅助细胞消除技术能够让人们观察细胞的再特化来再生丢失细胞的过程,尤其是在根干细胞龛的区域(van den Berg et al., 1995, Xu et al., 2006)。同样的方法还显示恒定的位置信号是维持持续发育过程中根分生组织模式的必要元素(Berger et al., 1998, Kidner et al., 2000)。然而,对于拟南芥根组织受伤后的伤口自愈以及正确组织模式恢复等现象并未得到很好的研究。尤其是组织如何重新获取特定细胞类型的正确模式以及位置信号在这其中又到底发挥了多大的作用,这些都还不清楚。



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通讯Jiří Frimlhttps://ist.ac.at/en/research/life-sciences/friml-group/



doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2019.04.015

Journal: Cell

Published date: May 02, 2019


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