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已有 4799 次阅读 2017-10-23 10:23 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:科研笔记| 电子产品, 液态金属, 金属氧化物膜



澳大利亚皇家墨尔本理工大学RMIT University20171019提供的消息,该大学的研究人员与澳大利亚昆士兰科技大学Queensland University of Technology以及美国加利福尼亚大学University of California的研究人员合作,发现了液态金属这一发现将迎来化学和电子产品的又一轮潮。

Fig.1 This image of a liquid metal 'slug' and its clear atom-thick 'trail' shows the breakthrough in action. When dissolved in a liquid metal core, certain metals leave behind this clear layer of their oxide, which is no thicker than a few atoms and can be peeled away by touching or rolling. Credit: RMIT University

1皇家墨尔本理工大学提供的一张“鼻涕虫slug”的液态金属照片,很明显其厚度与原子厚度相近的痕迹(trail显示了突破性的行动。当液态金属核溶解,某些金属留下明显的氧化层,其厚度充其量也不过几个原子,而且通过触摸或滚动氧化层可以被剥离。皇家墨尔本理工大学的研究人员已经使用液态金属创建二维材料其厚度也就是几个原子那么这在自然界中以前从未见过的。令人难以置信的突破将不仅彻底改变我们从事化学研究的方式,而且可以应用于提高数据存储和制造更快的电子产品。相关研究结果已经20171020科学》(Science网站发表——Ali Zavabeti, Jian Zhen Ou, Benjamin J. Carey, Nitu Syed, Rebecca Orrell-Trigg, Edwin L. H. Mayes, Chenglong Xu, Omid Kavehei, Anthony P. O’Mullane, Richard B. Kaner, Kourosh Kalantar-zadeh, Torben Daeneke. A liquid metal reaction environment for the room-temperature synthesis of atomically thin metal oxides. Science, 2017, 358(6361): 332-335. DOI: 10.1126/science.aao4249


Liquid metal discovery ushers in new wave of chemistry and electronics

Liquid metal nano printing set to revolutionize electronics

Expanding the world of 2D materials

Two-dimensional (2D) materials have a wide variety of potential applications in the electronics industry. However, certain compositions of 2D materials are difficult to obtain owing to the challenges in exfoliating thin sheets from bulk crystals. Zavabeti et al. exploited liquid metals to synthesize 2D Ga2O3, HfO2, Gd2O3, and Al2O3. The 2D sheets appear as a surface layer in gallium-based liquid metals after the Hf, Gd, or Al is dissolved into the bulk alloy. The 2D oxide that appears on the surface is the oxide with the lowest energy, suggesting that it should be possible to make other 2D oxides by using the same process.

Science, this issue p. 332


Two-dimensional (2D) oxides have a wide variety of applications in electronics and other technologies. However, many oxides are not easy to synthesize as 2D materials through conventional methods. We used nontoxic eutectic gallium-based alloys as a reaction solvent and co-alloyed desired metals into the melt. On the basis of thermodynamic considerations, we predicted the composition of the self-limiting interfacial oxide. We isolated the surface oxide as a 2D layer, either on substrates or in suspension. This enabled us to produce extremely thin subnanometer layers of HfO2, Al2O3, and Gd2O3. The liquid metal–based reaction route can be used to create 2D materials that were previously inaccessible with preexisting methods. The work introduces room-temperature liquid metals as a reaction environment for the synthesis of oxide nanomaterials with low dimensionality.


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