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日本科学家创制不会融化的冰淇淋 精选

已有 7718 次阅读 2017-8-8 17:31 |个人分类:健康生活|系统分类:海外观察| 草莓, 冰淇淋, 多酚化合物



来自日本《朝日新闻》The Asahi Shimbun的广告宣传照片

Photo/IllutrationA woman holds Kanazawa Ice(金泽冰淇淋), a popsicle that is billed as not melting easily, in Kanazawa on July 19. (Kenta Sujino)


Credit: CC0 Public Domain


据说此种不融化的冰淇淋是源于日本一厨师的过失,事情还得追溯到2011年,在日本受地震和海啸影响的地区需要找出一种适用于草莓生长方法,解决受灾地区草莓无法正常生长、消费者也愿意购买其之难题。厨师一度试图草莓用于其他方面,在某处有人抱怨使用草莓会导致冰淇淋。听到抱怨,金泽大学Kanazawa University的一个研究团队做了更细致的观察,发现草莓一种被称之为多酚的化合物会引起冰淇淋固化。提取过程中他们发现,水和油很难使其,是否就是发生在普通冰淇淋固化的原因所在?他们试着冰淇淋混合,发现它可以防止冰淇淋融化。


Photo: Kanazawa Ice/Facebook

“Polyphenol liquid has properties to make it difficult for water and oil to separate”, said Tomihisa Ota, a professor at Kanazawa University, who helped develop the innovative treat. “So a popsicle containing it will be able to retain the original shape of the cream for a longer time than usual, and be hard to melt”

Photo: Kanazawa Ice/Facebook

So how much slower does a strawberry polyphenol ice-cream melt? Well, according to  Takeshi Toyoda, president of the Biotherapy Development Research Center, it would retain its shape even when “exposed to the hot air from a dryer”. But Japanese reporters didn’t take his words for it, instead testing the unmelting ice-cream themselves. Last month, reporters from Asahi Shimbun wrote that the popsicle “retained its original shape” after 5 minutes being exposed to heat (around 28 degrees Celsius).

Photo: Kanazawa Ice/Facebook

The guys at Sora News also put the new ice-cream to the test, leaving it out for a whole tree hours. Even though it pretty much became a creamy goo at the end of the test, it took a while for it to reach that state, and even then, it still mostly retained its shape.

Japanese Researchers Create Ice Cream That Doesn’t Melt, TechnicallyAugust 7th, 2017

Japanese scientists create ice cream that doesn't melt

Ice cream goes Southern, okra extracts may increase shelf-life

Strawberry extract is secret of popsicles that do not melt July 30, 2017


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