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已有 5238 次阅读 2017-5-12 11:42 |个人分类:道法自然|系统分类:科普集锦| 希格斯子


How the Hunt for the Higgs Boson Leads Us to the Edge of a New World

Sean Carroll





   全名肖恩迈克尔凯若尔(SeanMichael Carroll),生于1966105,是一位宇宙学家和物理学教授,研究领域包括暗能量、广义相对论、量子力学、引力作用、统计力学和宇宙学。他的兴趣宽广,涉及哲学、复杂性理论和信息论。他是美国加利福尼亚理工学院物理系的一位研究教授,是物理学博克“宇宙方差”的供稿者,在科学期刊杂志(如《自然》、《纽约时代》、《天空和望远镜》、《新科学家》)上发表过文章。    

   凯若尔是一位活跃的科学传播者,自2004年以来就经常在博克中发表文章。他出现在美国历史频道的《宇宙》、科学频道的《与摩甘弗瑞曼一起穿过虫洞》和喜剧中心的《科尔伯特报告》等节目上。他已为教育公司发行了一套讲义,是关于暗物质和暗能量的;另一套讲义是关于时间的本性。他曾作为影片(如《雷神和创神:遗产》(Thor and TRON: Legacy))以及电视秀(如《波纹和骨架》(Fringe and Bones))的科学顾问。



《豪放的宇宙》一书作者科尔希勒曾评价他:“年青的博士后肖恩卡若尔Sean Carroll),他是哈佛最聪明、最风趣的天文学研究生之一。”这正是他后来在物理科普界和科学媒体中受欢迎的原因之一。























StarsAn effective menu of the particle zoo

By Dan F. Duda on November 29, 2012

Sean Carroll is clearly one of the giantsin his ability to make comprehensible the incomprehensible world of particlephysics. In terms of cataloguing and explaining the fields, forces and matter(and their relationships) that make up reality, this is the ultimate work thatI've read so far (at least for those of us not in the particle physicsprofession). And importantly, we need to remember that this is an area ofscience in the process of very rapid evolution. That brings us to one of themajor themes of the book. Carroll does an excellent job presenting the historyand the ongoing research at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) including thecritical search for the illusive Higg's Boson. A word of caution: don't skipthe appendices.

I'd have to rate this an "importantread" for anyone obsessed with understanding what existence is all about.Not surprisingly it doesn't have the answer, but it does help explain theprocess and the path science is on to reach that goal.

AnExciting History of the Higgs and What it Means

By RandolphEck on July 25, 2013

Having read Sean Carroll's previous bookFrom Eternity to Here, and having thoroughly enjoyed it, I eagerly anticipatedthe opportunity to read this book. I wasn't disappointed. The title is interesting.It is not that the Higgs is at the "end of the universe" as if therewas such a thing, but that it is located at the "explanatory end." Itprovides a final piece of puzzle that helps us understand how ordinary matterin our world works at a deep level.

Carroll first introduces us to someelementary particle physics theory, where we learn about quarks, leptons(electron, muon, tau particles, for example), bosons (photons, gluons, and thehiggs), fermions (matter particles such as protons and neutrons) and what theyall mean. This provides a nice introduction to the topic. He then segues into adiscussion of the Large Hadron Collider. It is here that bunches of protons aresmashed into each other by two beams going in opposite directions. The amountof data produced by these collisions is enormous. We are talking aboutcollisions occurring 20 million times per second, each crossing producingdozens of collisions resulting in hundreds of millions of collisions a second -yikes!. This vast amount of data is filtered by something called a trigger, ofwhich there are two levels. This data is then sent through a Worldwide LHCComputing Grid that connects computing centers in thirty-five differentnations. Both the Internet and private optical cables are used to distributethis vast amount of data. This whole thing is incredible!

After that brief insight into the workingof the LHC, Carroll switches to theoretical concepts. We learn some informationabout quantum field theory, fields that result in the particles we detect, theHiggs field and its boson, and symmetry (what is local symmetry, connectionfields, problems with symmetry and symmetry breaking, and the symmetries ofweak interactions). This information helps us to appreciate the Higgs field andits importance to the Standard Model. We can now get into the events leading upto the discovery of the Higgs at CERN in the chapter appropriately entitled"Bringing the House Down."

Carroll then discusses the people andevents leading to the discovery of the "Higgs mechanism". The storyactually goes back to research on superconductors. Physicists Yoichiro Nambuand Giovanni Jona-Lasinio showed how spontaneous symmetry breaking (necessaryin the Higgs model) could occur even if you weren't inside a superconductor butcould also happen in empty space. Through the work of numerous physicists suchas Jeffrey Goldstone, Phil Anderson, Francois Englert, Robert Brout, PeterHiggs, Gerald Guralnik, Carl Richard Hagen, Tom Kibble, Sheldon Glashow, AbdusSalam, John Ward, Steven Weinberg, and others I probably missed, the story ofthe discovery of the "Higgs mechanism" became a permanent part ofhistory. This history might be a bit difficult to follow for the non-expert,but it gives you an idea of how the work of many individuals contributed to anunderstanding of the matter.

Carroll then discusses things beyond theHiggs, such as, the early universe, WIMPs, the hierarchy problem, vacuum energy,dark energy, supersymmetry (here we have five Higgs instead of one), strings,extra dimensions, branes, and the multiverse. He concludes the section sayingthat "Discovering the Higgs is not the end of particle physics. The Higgswas the final piece of the Standard Model, but it's also a window onto physicsbeyond that theory." The Higgs will be important in the understanding ofdark matter, supersymmetry, extra dimensions, and whatever is to follow. Thisis the beginning of a new era.

I want to also mention the three appendixesthat provide more in depth information on the nature of mass and spin as theyrelate to particles, the Standard Model particles themselves, and theirinteractions. This is a welcome addition for those who want a more detaileddiscussion of the theoretical concepts. One note, however, there is a misprintof The Particle Zoo table on page 294. The masses and charges are correct, butthe quark (top, bottom) and lepton (Tau, Tau neutrino) labels were repeated.You can easily find the correct table on the Internet. In addition, Carrollprovides two full color panel sections with pictures of the key peopleinvolved, the LHC, and some data charts showing the Higgs discovery - verynice.

I love Sean Carroll's books. I think I'lladd him to my favorite authors list.


By Shane Anthony Pitts on November 13, 2012

Sean Carroll is a great writer, with hisown brand of penmanship. He elegantly introduces particle physics without themathematical jargon that can be confusing to some scientifically illiteratereaders, which is a good thing if his goal is to explicate this topic to themasses. It does contain some repetitive info though, especially if you havealready browsed through a bunch theoretical physics books. However, Sean Carroll'sbook does have an advantage, since the discovery of the particle, that seems tobe the Higgs boson, was just around the corner. If you are interested inparticle physics, amazed by the standard model's newly discovered member, andeager to fill your curiosity bucket with as much information as possible, thanthis book is a must read for you.




2 近乎神圣

3 原子与粒子

4 加速器故事

5 最大碰撞机

6 碰撞智慧

7 波中之粒

8 透过破镜

9 推倒大厦

10 传播喜讯

11 诺奖之梦

12 超越视界

13 值得捍卫

附录1 质量和自旋

附录2 标准模型粒子

附录3 粒子及其相互作用







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