

胡大金协助 Cornelius Koopmanschap向美国运输华工

已有 4044 次阅读 2018-1-3 10:35 |个人分类:美国华工|系统分类:海外观察| Kim, 胡大金, 胡大全, Tye, Orr


The Chinese in America: A Narrative History

By Iris Chang

Asians in Colorado: A History of Persecution and Perseverance in the ...

By William Wei

Partly Colored: Asian Americans and Racial Anomaly in the Segregated South

A Documentary History of American Industrial Society: Labor movement

edited by John Rogers Commons, Ulrich Bonnell Phillips, Eugene Allen Gilmore, Helen Laura Sumner, John Bertram Andrew

Documents ... of the State of Louisiana

We are reading two parts of Jung’s book and the introduction starts with a Chinese guy called Tye Kim Orr’s journal from China to Singapore to Guiana, Trinidad, Cuba, and finally reached Louisiana.  Orr who is the main character of the book and he symbolized the first Chinese immigrant to the U.S. during the 19th century because he tried to help Chinese to migrate to the U.S.


SAN FRANCISCO, Ootober 4th. Nearly one thousand Chinese left for fatherland by tbe China to-day. Many take with tbem sums ranging from $5OO to $lO,OOO. The fire whioh ooourred on Saturday was more disastrous than at first reported. The entire loss is estimated at from $150,000 to $200,000. Sixty men are thrown oat of employment. In tbe Fourth Distriot Court to day Judge Sawyer sentenced Hubbert Barry, who was oonvioted of killing George Simptet, in a saloon on Paoifio street, December 11th, 1868, to imprisonment at San Quentin 18 months. Counsel in tho Fifteenth Distriot Conrt are arguing before a jurry tho case of Voll tried for murder of Walsh. Supreme Court—Hall vs. Center; transcript filed. Cooks vs. Reynolds; on motion of French and filing stipulation, ordered tbat the respondent have 20 days farther time to file briefMoore vs. Martin; judgment and order rendered and a new trial granted. Prioe vs. Lynch; judgment reversed with directions to District Court. Brown vs. Pforr; judgment and order reversed and a new trial granted. Mauinas vs. Ilamblon; judgment reversed and cause remanded for further proceedings. Capuro vs. Builders Insurance Company; on motion of Darstow 20 days was given appellant to file brief. Donahue vs. Gamble; judgment and order affirmed. Daniels vs. Linsdal; appeal dismissed. Doyle vs. Sturla; judgment and order affirmed. Dougherty, vs. Miller; same. Frisbie vs. Mc Clemin; ordor granting naw trial reversod and a new trial granted. Produce Market. Flour—Sales of 1200 bbls. ex. sundry brands; 6 00 do. superfine, private. Millers have reduoed their prices 12io. barrel; extra 196 bbs. 5 25(ty5 50; superfine 196 lbs. 4 00@4 25. Wheat—Sales of 1300 sks good milling at $1 50; 600 do 1 42J; 600 do inferior 850. Barley—Sales of 660 sks new brewing at 80 @32}o; 300 do 750. Oats—Sales of 300 sks mostly coast at 95(a) 97 Jo. The steamer China sailed at noon to-day for Yokohama and Hongkong with tbe following passengers: Hon. C. E. DeLong, wife and child, F. C. Farrington, W. P. Cowle, and wife, F. M.Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Wade, infant and servant, D. C- McCoy and wife, Miss M. A. Thompson, Rev. D. Z. Sheffield and wife, Rev. J. L. Whiting aod wife, W. 8. Vernon, R. S. Hill, G. H. Lea, Jos. Castel, W. Y. Tuck, Tye Kim Orr, Ly Fat, Oo Sing, Choy Hong, G. S. Williams, C. P. Sbepard, S. B. J. Hoyt and wife, W. S. Wright and wife, J. H. Livermore, Mr. H. C. Dearbon, three ohildren aod servant, Mrs. T. Blakison, J. Wenmeade, R. J. Longer, Capt. T. T. Benning, T. E. Converse and wife, L. W. Eokarts and wife, L. Strauss and secretary, and about 750 in steerage. SECOND DISPATCH—B P. M. The new arrangement for the transportation of the mail from this oity to Saoramento by the Western Pacific Railroad went into effeot this morning ; henceforth tbe mail will be carried twice a day between theie points both ways. Arrangements are being made for a mass meeting in favor of immigration from Europe to be held on Friday next. Passengers left Alameda this morning direct through to Promontory for tbe first time without change of cars. The next steamer for Portland will be the Oriflamme to sail one week from to-morrow. Arrangements have been made for a regular hotel train of Pullman cars, to leave Alameda daily for New York. Gold at 3p. H. 130. Our brokers are to-day paying 76 for legal tenders and selling at 76}. Sterling 108g@108}. Mining stooks this morning were barely sustained with considerable activity In Crown Point, Opbir, Savage and Yellow Jaoket. THIRD DISPATCH—9 p. m. The farewell game of base ball was played this evening. Tbe Red Stockings divided with two parties of five each, and chose from Paoifio's and Eagle's enough to fill out the nino. Brainard and Wright leaders. Soore stood 7to 21. They play to morrow at Sacramento. The Bullrtin will to-morrow commence issuing a morning edition, in addition to its evening edition, for aocommodations of mails.

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Exotic Lands and Dodgy Places: Adventures through Greenland, The Amazon and ...

By Tan Wee Cheng

American Mediterranean: Southern Slaveholders in the Age of Emancipation

By Matthew Pratt Guterl


1. After the Crossing: Immigrants and Minorities in Caribbean Creole Society

By Howard Johnson

2. The Guyana Story: From Earliest Times to Independence

By Odeen Ishmael

Cultural Power, Resistance, and Pluralism: Colonial Guyana, 1838-1900

By Brian L. Moore

3. Chinese Immigrants, Indentured Workers  and Christianity in the West Indies,  British Guyana and Hawaii

4. The Chinese in British Guyana

The Work of O Tye Kim  Wu Tai-Kam

The Chinese in the West Indies, 1806-1995: A Documentary History

By Walton Look Lai

'The Chinese settlement of Hopetown: Expectation and disappointment'

O. Tye Kim and the Establishment of the Chinese Settlement of Hopetown - 1865. Paper for Discussion at a Seminar on Guyanese and West Indian History ; to be Held on 16th February 1978

The Hopetown Chinese settlement

The Evangelist. New ser., ed. by H. H. Snell. 3 vols

edited by Hugh Henry Snell


The Guyana Story: From Earliest Times to Independence

Reports from Commissioners

By Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons

The Chinese in Guyana

The Colony of British Guyana and Its Labouring Population: Containing a ...

By H. V. P. Bronkhurst

The Coolie, His Rights and Wrongs

By Edward Jenkins

Empowering a Peasantry in a Caribbean Context: The Case of Land Settlement ...

By Carl B. Greenidge

下一篇:South Dakota Chinese 3 of 5 南达科塔州的华人 3/5
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