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已有 3808 次阅读 2009-6-9 10:09 |个人分类:ACM图灵奖|系统分类:海外观察

以下信息来自: http://awards.acm.org/current_recipients.cfm?yr=2008

Award Recipients for 2008

As part of ACM's ongoing effort to recognize technical excellence and outstanding service to the computing field, the ACM Award Subcommittees have deliberated and made their selections, and ACM is pleased to announce the winners of its 2008 awards. These award winners and Fellows represent a diverse group of leaders who have contributed significantly to the IT community. Some have led the way for others to follow with breakthrough achievements that have changed the world; others are just starting out and are among the best and the brightest of their generation. ACM is privileged to acknowledge all this year's winners for their stellar accomplishments.

A. M. Turing Award

  Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  Liskov, Barbara H (2008)

ACM - Infosys Foundation Award in the Computing Sciences

  Cornell University
  Kleinberg, Jon  (2008)

Distinguished Service Award

  Whitney, Telle  (2008)

Doctoral Dissertation Award

  Daskalakis, Constantinos  (2008)
Honorable Mention   Hoiem, Derek  (2008)
  Katti, Sachin  (2008)

Eckert-Mauchly Award

  University of California at Berkeley
  Patterson, David  (2008)

Gordon Bell Prize

  Alvarez, Gonzalo  (2008)
  Bailey, David H (2008)
  D'Azevedo, Eduardo Francisco (2008)
  Eisenbach, Markus  (2008)
  Kent, Paul  (2008)
  Larkin, Jeffrey M. (2008)
  Lee, Byounghak  (2008)
  Levesque, John M. (2008)
  Maier, Thomas A. (2008)
  Maxwell, Don E. (2008)
  Meredith, Jeremy  (2008)
  Meza, Juan  (2008)
  Schulthess, Thomas  (2008)
  Shan, Hongzhang  (2008)
  Strohmaier, Erich  (2008)
  Summers, Michael S. (2008)
  Wang, Lin-Wang  (2008)
  Zhao, Zhengji  (2008)

Grace Murray Hopper Award

  Stanford University
  Engler, Dawson  (2008)

Paris Kanellakis Theory and Practice Award

  Google Research
  Cortes, Corinna  (2008)
  Fellow of NEC Laboratories/Columbia University
  Vapnik, Vladimir  (2008)

Karl V. Karlstrom Outstanding Educator Award

  Cornell University
  Hopcroft, John E (2008)

Outstanding Contribution to ACM Award

  Graves, Wayne  (2008)
  Rous, Bernard  (2008)

Allen Newell Award

  Dean, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study
  Grosz, Barbara J (2008)
  Cornell University
  Halpern, Joseph  (2008)

ACM Presidential Award

  Bourne, Stephen  (2008)
  Ryan, Pat  (2008)
  Virginia Tech
  Ryder, Barbara G (2008)
  Rice University
  Vardi, Moshe Y (2008)

Software System Award

  The Gamma Parallel Database System
  DeWitt, David J (2008)
  Gerber, Robert  (2008)
  Ghandeharizadeh, Shahram  (2008)
  Graefe, Goetz  (2008)
  Heytens, Michael L (2008)
  Hsiao, Hui-I  (2008)
  Krishna, Murali  (2008)
  Naughton, Jeffrey F (2008)
  Schneider, Donovan A (2008)
  Sharma, Anoop  (2008)

ACM-W Athena Lecturer Award

  Goldwasser, Shafrira  (2008)


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