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J.J.C.Smart 的“心-身”同一论

已有 6845 次阅读 2020-1-14 02:25 |系统分类:人文社科


好久没有介绍哲学家们的工作了,恰好最近在看一点东西,涉及到澳大利亚哲学家J.J.C.Smart 的心-身同一论问题(the mind-body identity theory),这应该是当代最早涉及这个话题的人之一,具体文章如下:J. J. 斯马特的论文《感觉和大脑过程》(Philosophical Review 68(1959), 141-56)。


John Jamieson Carswell "Jack" Smart AC (1920 –  2012 ) was an Australianphilosopher and academic, and was appointed as an Emeritus Professor by the Australian National University. He worked in the fields of metaphysics, philosophy of science, philosophy of mind, philosophy of religion, and political philosophy. He wrote multiple entries for the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Sensations and Brain Processes.Jjc Smart - 1959 - Philosophical Review 68 (April):141-56.



老先生活了92岁,也算高寿。国内他的著作出版不多,好像2018年北京大学出版社出版过一本他与伯纳德合著《功利主义的赞成与反对》的,这本书我还没有看过。关于这个主题有一个人(István Aranyosi ,Bilkent University)的概括写得不错,见下面:

About this topic :主要是心身同一论的经典人物和文章:

Summary :The mind-brain identity theory (or identity thesis) is the assertion that mental states/events/processes are identical to brain states/events/processes. The type identity theory (often called just the "identity theory") says that mental types are physical types, while the token identity theory says that mental tokens are physical tokens.  Over the years the thesis has been successively understood as involving a contingent identity relation, an analytic identity relation, and then an posteriori necessary identity relation.  The most common objection to the type identity theory is the objection from multiple realizability. 

Key works :The thesis is explicitly defended in seminal articles by Place 1956, Feigl 1958, Smart 1959. This is the early stage, when the thesis is understood as an empirical and contingent one. A powerful attack on this version is put forward by Kripke 1980.  The analytic identity thesis appears for the first time in Lewis 1970, then in Armstrong 1968. Criticism of this version appears appears in Nagel 1979, Jackson 1982, and Chalmers 1996. Defences appear in Braddon-Mitchell 2003 and Jackson 2003. A more recent defence, based on probability theory, appears in Aranyosi 2011.  The empirical necessary identity thesis is defended, among others, by Loar 1990 and Papineau 2002. Criticism of this approach is to be found in Chalmers 1996 and Chalmers 2009.  The multiple realizability objection to all forms of the type identity theory can be found in Putnam 1963. 

Introductions: A 30-year retrospective of the transformations of the thesis appears in Place 1988. A more recent introduction to and history of the thesis appears in Smart 2007.





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