为了解决这一尖锐的矛盾,开始逐渐有人另辟蹊径,试图寻找能将这一观测图像与单星族模型相容的解释。同样是2009年,来自英国和荷兰的两名学者提出,我们观测到的展宽主序转折区域或许来源于恒星自转的引力昏暗效应。所谓引力昏暗效应,指的是高速自转恒星由于离心力抵消掉了部分自身的重力,从而使得恒星内核的核反应速率下降,使得大质量恒星亮度和表面温度双双降低的现象。在封面图中,我们展示了天文学家们利用CHARA(Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy)的长基线光学和近红外干涉仪对高速自转恒星——β Cassiopelae (王良一)的干涉观测,利用这一具有空间分辨的观测,该团队利用恒星自转模型拟合了它的表面有效温度,结果发现,由于该恒星的高速自转,其赤道附近的表面温度比两极低了将近3000K,这意味着与两极相比,这颗恒星的赤道颜色更红。基于这一效应,两名学者指出,如果这些星团的转折区域的恒星拥有不同的自转速度和转轴方向,那么观测到的恒星颜色和亮度也会出现差异,最终结果就是一批质量相同的恒星,当它们要同时离开主序带时,自转的引力昏暗效应将导致高速自转的恒星整体更红并且更昏暗,从而不同自转速率的恒星就构成了一片颜色和亮度都分布得更广的主序转折区域,这误导了我们认为它们不是单星族。图7展示的是该团队通过考虑恒星自转的引力昏暗效应重构的单星族恒星的颜色亮度分布图。
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鍦ㄨ繖閲屽簲璇ユ寚1. g : a body of persons of common and especially
professional interests scattered through a larger society <the academic community> 锛坢erriam-webster)
鍙戣〃璇勮浜猴細jixiliying [2010-10-1 23:34:49]
浣犺鐨勯偅浜涜瘎璁烘垜鏌ヤ笉鍒�(楹荤儲浣犳壘鍒拌创鍑哄叏鏂囧拰鍑哄),浣� Outcomes of Lumbar to Sacral Nerve Rerouting for Spina Bifida杩欑瘒鏂囩珷鐨勬憳瑕�,缁撹,鍜屾€荤粨鎴戞壘鍒颁簡,杞浇濡備笅.鎴戝鍖诲涓嶆槸寰堟噦澶�,浣嗘牴鎹垜鍒濇鏌ヨ瘝鍏搁槄璇荤殑缁撴灉鐪�,鍏跺疄璇勮杩樻槸涓嶉敊鐨�.
At 1 year 7 patients (78%) had a reproducible increase in bladder pressure with stimulation of the dermatome. Two patients were able to stop catheterization and all safely stopped antimuscarinics. No patient achieved complete urinary continence. The majority of subjects reported improved bowel function. One patient was continent of stool at baseline and 4 were continent at 1 year. Of the patients 89% had variable weakness of lower extremity muscle groups at 1 month. One child had persistent foot drop and the remainder returned to baseline by 12 months.
At 1 year a novel reflex arc with stimulation of the appropriate dermatome was seen in the majority of subjects. Improvements in voiding and bowel function were noted. Lower extremity weakness was mostly self-limited, except in 1 subject with a persistent foot drop. More patients and longer followup are needed to assess the risk/benefit ratio of this novel procedure.
鍒樿€佸笀锛屾垜鍒氭墠缁欒垂鍩庡ぉ鏅ぇ瀛︼紙Temple University锛夌殑
Michael R. Ruggieri鏁欐巿鎵撹繃鐢佃瘽銆備粬纭鑷繁鐪嬭繃閭e皝淇″苟涓旇鍚屼俊浠剁殑鍐呭銆�
浠栧苟涓旇闂簡妗堟儏鐨勮繘灞曘€� 濡傛灉鎮ㄥ姝や簨鏈夎川鐤戯紝鍙互缁欐垜鍙戠煭娑堟伅锛屾垜浼氭妸浠栫殑鐢佃瘽鍙风爜鍖呮嫭鎵嬫満鍙风爜鍙戠粰鎮紝鎮ㄨ嚜宸卞彲浠ユ墦鍥介檯闀块€旂‘璁ゃ€�