注:纯娱乐。语法顶极混乱。认真你就输了。当然科研上认真你就赢了! Q&A Stuck在一个地方的时候 (A: Answer 11/10/2012) 自己的工作----->try every possibility and take notes. Reproduce别人的工作-> try other sample/methods in their work and take notes, mind the uncertainties. IF Resolved THEN A=1 IF Unresolved THEN A=0 SOLUTION 1: $ IF A=1 THEN take notes about the resolution and How you make it. STOP IF A=0 THEN BEGIN As soon as possible, ask group mates about the reliability of the method and the results you derived IF Resolved THEN BEGIN A=1 & GOTO SOLUTION 1 ENDIF IF UNresolved or You have NO group mates THEN BEGIN A=0 SOLUTION 2:In 3 days' time, tell your boss your progress, where you got stuck and how have you thought about it, ask him whether you need help from other people. IF Resolved THEN BEGIN A=1 & GOTO SOLUTION 1 ENDIF IF your boss are away or too busy to help you or lead you to another person THEN BEGIN A=0 SOLUTION 3:As soon as you can,write an email with your sincere request to people who have tried that before (e.g. authors of related papers), and cc. to your Boss and everyone who care about your problems. IF UNresolved THEN BEGIN SOLUTION 4:CHECK the importance of the subject you are doingwith people IF important THEN BEGIN A=1 & PRINT, 'Keep thinking about it and You will be the first one who ever solve this big problem' ENDIF ELSE BEGIN A=1 & PRINT, 'Move to another things, GUY! You are just wasting your life!' END ELSE ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF