

Apply now for the NOMIS & Science Young Explorer Award 2022!

已有 4886 次阅读 2022-4-14 09:09 |个人分类:科研漫谈|系统分类:海外观察

Apply now for the NOMIS & Science Young Explorer Award 2022!                                                                                                       

Award Details

About the Award

Nomis and Science Young Explorer Award logo

Through the NOMIS & Science Young Explorer Award, the editors of Science and NOMIS wish to recognize bold young researchers who ask fundamental questions at the intersection of the life and social sciences; scientists who have performed interdisciplinary work with an enthusiasm that has catalyzed cross-field collaboration; researchers who take risks to address relevant and exciting questions with creative approaches, regardless of the research outcome.

Successful applicants will have made significant advances in applying techniques developed in one domain to address questions in another—for example, methods to investigate problems of causal inference, understand complex networks or perform image recognition have been developed in both social science and life science contexts.

Alternatively, applicants have applied information gained in the life sciences—such as genome-wide association studies, brain imaging, cellular imaging, developmental biology or cellular senescence—to questions related to the collective or individual behavior of humans in the fields of psychology, economics, political science or sociology.

About the NOMIS Foundation

NOMIS' vision is to “create a spark” in the world of science by enabling and supporting pioneering research in the natural sciences, social sciences, and the humanities that benefits humankind and our planet. Our mission is to support and enable insight-driven science across all disciplines, focusing on researchers who put forth bold new ideas, exhibit a pioneering spirit, and seek to inspire the world around them.

The foundation serves as a catalyst for scientific and human progress by supporting interdisciplinary research, establishing collaborative research networks, and developing strategic partnerships. In addition to providing financial support, NOMIS endeavors to develop and strengthen the conditions conducive to the pursuit of high-risk basic research.

About Science/AAAS

The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) is the world's largest general scientific society, and publisher of the journals, ScienceScience Translational MedicineScience SignalingScience Advances, Science Immunology, and Science Robotics. AAAS was founded in 1848, and includes some 254 affiliated societies and academies of science, serving 10 million individuals. Science, founded by Thomas Edison, has the largest paid circulation of any peer-reviewed general science journal in the world, with an estimated total readership of more than 400,000.

The non-profit AAAS——is open to all and fulfills its mission to "advance science and serve society" through initiatives in science policy, international programs, science education, and more. Science's editorials, any paper with broad public health significance, and all research articles 12 months after publication are always free. Science's daily online news also offers 5 articles a month for free, along with all COVID-19 research. Science further participates in various efforts to provide free access for scientists in the world's poorest countries.


收藏 IP: 175.134.182.*| 热度|

17 刘全慧 许培扬 孙颉 杨正瓴 张鹰 代恒伟 徐长庆 刘秀梅 李宏翰 李学宽 杜学领 刘炜 苏德辰 李毅伟 孔玲 马鸣 王安良

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