The Rise of Open Access
The accelerating pace of scientificpublishing and the rise of open access, as depicted by xkcd.com cartoonistRandall Munroe.
Who's Afraid of Peer Review?
John Bohannon
A spoof paper concocted by Science revealslittle or no scrutiny at many open-access journals.
The Seer of Science Publishing
Tania Rabesandratana
Vitek Tracz was ahead of the pack on openaccess. Now he wants to rewrite the rules of peer review.
The Power of Negative Thinking
The Power of Negative Thinking.pdf
Jennifer Couzin-Frankel
Gaining ground in the ongoing struggle tocoax researchers to share negative results.
Hey, You've Got to Hide Your Work Away
David Malakoff
Debate is simmering over how and when topublish sensitive data.
Cloak-and-Dagger Publishing
David Malakoff
Classified journals aim to solve a thornyproblem: how to rigorously peer review and share sensitive government-fundedfindings that officials don't want sent to regular journals.
Lock Up the Genome, Lock Down Research?
Eliot Marshall
Researchers say that gene patents impededata sharing and innovation; patent lawyers say there's no evidence for this.
Meetings That Flatter, but May Not Deliver
Jon Cohen
"Predatory" conferences—meetings,sometimes sparsely attended, that seem to come into being primarily to makemoney—have become a cottage industry in scientific communication.
The Annual Meeting: Improving What Isn'tBroken
The Annual Meeting Improving What Isn't Broken.pdf
Jeffrey Mervis
Annual meetings are moneymakers for mostscientific societies, and scientists continue to flock to them. But as theworld changes, how long can the status quo hold?
What's Lost When a Meeting Goes Virtual
Jeffrey Mervis
This summer, NASA's Lunar Science Forumbecame the largest scientific gathering to embrace the new world of cybermeetings. The experience drew mixed reviews.
Great Presenters
Jon Cohen
Bonnie Bassler and Larry Smarr have a giftfor enthralling audiences. They share advice on how to make powerful publicpresentations.
Gut Instinct
Jon Cohen
Larry Smarr gives spellbindingpresentations that mix personal drama with transformative discoveries.
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