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批判地看“创新” 精选

已有 16570 次阅读 2014-6-21 15:12 |个人分类:未分类|系统分类:科研笔记| 创新, 历史, 颠覆性创新



1997年出版的《创新者的窘境》(The Innovator’s Delimma)一书被认为是“20世纪最具影响的商业书籍之一”,其作者克莱顿·克里斯坦森(Clayton Christensen)也被称为“大师级的管理学者”(见智库百科)。此书出版后,很快成为畅销书,经久不衰,多次重印,还出了其他语言的版本。此书让“创新”成了一个时髦词,书中提出的“颠覆性创新”(disruptive innovation)更是让管理者人心惶惶,指不定哪天,好好的企业就会被身怀新绝技的后来者并吞掉。也许就连中国科学院1998年提出知识创新工程,都可能与这本书有关。


不过,现在终于有人站出来批评克里斯坦森的理论了。哈佛大学的美国史教授Jill Lepore在最新一期《纽约客》撰文,批判了《创新者的窘境》一书。她指出,克里斯坦森用的方法是商学院常用的案例研究,他所选择的案例本身的事实就有问题,居然能从几个精心挑选出来的案例上,推广出一个理论来。Lepore写道, “The handpicked case study is a notoriously weak foundation on which to build a theory”(在精心挑选的案例研究基础上建立理论,是一个臭名昭著地薄弱的方法。)即使人们接受这个方法,他们也不难找到许多“颠覆性创新”给整个行业乃至经济带来致命打击的案例,比如,金融业的创新(collateralized debt obligations, mortgage-backed securities等等)导致了最近这次金融危机和经济衰退。

她写道:Most big ideas have loud critics. Not disruption. Disruptive innovation as the explanation for how change happens has been subject to little serious criticism, partly because it’s headlong, while critical inquiry is unhurried; partly because disrupters ridicule doubters by charging them with fogyism, as if to criticize a theory of change were identical to decrying change; and partly because, in its modern usage, innovation is the idea of progress jammed into a criticism-proof jack-in-the-box.


The idea of progress—the notion that human history is the history of human betterment—dominated the world view of the West between the Enlightenment and the First World War. It had critics from the start, and, in the last century, even people who cherish the idea of progress, and point to improvements like the eradication of contagious diseases and the education of girls, have been hard-pressed to hold on to it while reckoning with two World Wars, the Holocaust and Hiroshima, genocide and global warming. Replacing “progress” with “innovation” skirts the question of whether a novelty is an improvement: the world may not be getting better and better but our devices are getting newer and newer.


Disruptive innovation as a theory of change is meant to serve both as a chronicle of the past (this has happened) and as a model for the future (it will keep happening). The strength of a prediction made from a model depends on the quality of the historical evidence and on the reliability of the methods used to gather and interpret it. ... None of these conditions have been met.


Lepore举了克里斯坦森投资的例子,来说明其理论的预测能力不强。克里斯坦森在2000年成立了一个38亿美元的“颠覆性增长基金”(Disruptive Growth Fund),与一位经纪人一起管理。克里斯坦森用自己的理论选择了股票。不到一年后,这个基金悄悄地做了清算: 在纳斯达克股市价值下跌50%的同期,“颠覆性增长基金”损失了60%克里斯坦森还曾在2007年预测,Apple公司的iPhone不会成功。然而,Lepore写道:  In the preface to the 2011 edition of “The Innovator’s Dilemma,” Christensen reports that, since the book’s publication, in 1997, “the theory of disruption continues to yield predictions that are quite accurate.” This is less because people have used his model to make accurate predictions about things that haven’t happened yet than because disruption has been sold as advice, and because much that happened between 1997 and 2011 looks, in retrospect, disruptive.




The Disruption Machine: What the gospel of innovation gets wrong

注:本文原把disruptive innovation译为“破坏性创新”,后来发现国内的译法是“颠覆性创新”。现已改正。


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