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电子情报侦查1.7 - Receivers for Radar Interception

已有 4861 次阅读 2010-10-25 19:28 |个人分类:科学研究|系统分类:科研笔记

1.7 Receivers for Radar Interception 用于截获雷达信号的接收机


The subject of intercept receivers is quite broad because there is no single design or type appropriate for all uses. Generally, intercept receivers can be divided into warning receivers and ELINT receivers.




  Radar warning receivers are designed to give nearly immediate warning if specific threat signals are received (e.g., illumination of an aircraft’s warning receiver by the target tracking radar of a surface-to-air missile system). The warning receiver typically has poor sensitivity and feeds into a near-real-time processor that uses a few parameter measurements to identify a threat. Usually, rough direction (e.g., quadrant or octant) is determined for the threat and the operator has a crude display showing functional radar type, direction, and relative range (strong signals displayed as being nearer than weaker ones). This type of receiver does not provide the kind of output that is analyzed using the methods described here. Rather, the identification algorithms used in the warning receiver might be based on the results of ELINT.




对于“大致方向”的含义:quadrant, 在二维空间中只需要确定信号处于哪个象限;octant, 则是三维空间中划分的八个区域,分别是:first octant (+++), top-back-right (-++), top-back-left (--+), top-front-left (+-+), bottom-front-left (+--), bottom-back-left (---), bottom-back-right (-+-), bottom-front-right (++-)


  ELINT receivers must cope with a wide variety of signal parameters. The signals of interest extend over a wide dynamic range – wider than any receiver design can hope to handle due to the tremendous range differences possible and the different radar effective radiated power (ERP) values that may be encountered. The ELINT receiving equipment must cover a wide frequency range to be able to search for new radars in any part of the spectrum. Coverage to 100 GHz may be needed. The modulation bandwidths of the signals can range from very short pulses to those of frequency modulation (FM) and continuous wave (CW) signals. The receiving equipment may also be operated remotely with automatic digitizing and/or retransmission to analysis sites. ELINT receivers may be found in a variety of locations, including ships, aircraft, balloons, and ground locations. Often this places them in proximity to local radar sets or jammers. In this case, it is generally necessary to provide for blanking of the ELINT receiver during the transmission cycle of these local emitters. Receivers are discussed in Chapter 3.






上一篇:电子情报侦查1.6 - 从测量参数推断雷达性能
下一篇:电子情报侦查1.8 - Major ELINT Signal Parameters
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