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已有 1548 次阅读 2020-8-29 16:22 |系统分类:科研笔记|文章来源:转载

本文为美国科罗拉多大学(作者:BRADLEY JAMES LINDSETH)的博士论文,共140页。


本文介绍了449MHz风廓线雷达的设计,重点介绍了模块化、天线旁瓣抑制和固态发射机的设计。它是最早使用低成本LDMOS功率放大器和间距天线相结合的风廓线雷达之一。该系统是便携式的,设计用于2-3个月的部署。发射机功率放大器由多个1-kW峰值功率模块组成,这些模块为排列在六角形阵列中的54个天线单元馈送能量,可直接扩展到126个单元。功率放大器在脉冲模式下工作,占空比为10%,转换效率为63%。天线阵被设计成低副瓣,通过测量得到了证实。雷达在科罗拉多州博尔德市和犹他州盐湖城运行,根据收集到的大气回波信号,计算出海拔高度200 - 4km的大气风垂直和水平分量。




This thesis presents the design of a 449MHz radar for wind profiling, with a focus on modularity, antenna sidelobereduction, and solid-state transmitter design. It is one of the first windprofiler radars to use low-cost LDMOS power amplifiers combined with spacedantennas. The system is portable and designed for 2-3 month deployments. Thetransmitter power amplifier consists of multiple 1-kW peak power modules whichfeed 54 antenna elements arranged in a hexagonal array, scalable directly to126 elements. The power amplifier is operated in pulsed mode with a 10% dutycycle at 63% drain efficiency. The antenna array is designed to have lowsidelobes, confirmed by measurements. The radar was operated in Boulder,Colorado and Salt Lake City, Utah. Atmospheric wind vertical and horizontalcomponents at altitudes between 200m and 4km were calculated from the collectedatmospheric return signals. Sidelobe reduction of the antenna array pattern isexplored to reduce the effects of ground or sea clutter. Simulations areperformed for various shapes of compact clutter fences for the 915-MHzbeam-steering Doppler radar and the 449-MHz spaced antenna interferometricradar. It is shown that minimal low-cost hardware modifications to existingcompact ground planes of 915-MHz beam-steering radar allow for reduction ofsidelobes of up to 5dB. The results obtained on a single beam-steering arrayare extended to the 449 MHz triple hexagonal array spaced antennainterferometric radar. Cross-correlation, transmit beamwidth, and sidelobelevels are evaluated for various clutter fence configurations and arrayspacings. The resulting sidelobes are as much as 10 dB below those without aclutter fence and can be incorporated into existing and future 915 and 449 MHzwind profiler systems with minimal hardware modifications.


1. 引言

2. 449MHz间距天线雷达系统设计与测量

3. 915MHz风廓线雷达测量

4. 降低风廓线雷达天线旁瓣电平

5. 低成本63%效率的2.5千瓦超高频功率放大器

6. 结论与未来工作展望

附录A MxBell-Bloom原子磁强计及其应用




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