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已有 1536 次阅读 2020-3-29 16:11 |系统分类:科研笔记|文章来源:转载

本文为西班牙马德里卡洛斯三世大学(作者:Abdulla H. Al-Kaff)的博士论文,共225页。






The main objective of this dissertation isto provide Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) with a robust navigation system; inorder to allow the UAVs to perform complex tasks autonomously and in real-time.The proposed algorithms deal with solving the navigation problem for outdoor aswell as indoor environments, mainly based on visual information that iscaptured by monocular cameras. In addition, this dissertation presents theadvantages of using the visual sensors as the main source of data, orcomplementing other sensors in providing useful information; in order toimprove the accuracy and the robustness of the sensing purposes. Thedissertation mainly covers several research topics based on computer visiontechniques: (I) Pose Estimation, to provide a solution for estimating the 6Dpose of the UAV. This algorithm is based on the combination of SIFT detectorand FREAK descriptor; which maintains the performance of the feature pointsmatching and decreases the computational time. Thereafter, the pose estimationproblem is solved based on the decomposition of the world-to-frame andframe-to-frame homographies. (II) Obstacle Detection and Collision Avoidance,in which, the UAV is able to sense and detect the frontal obstacles that aresituated in its path. The detection algorithm mimics the human behaviors fordetecting the approaching obstacles; by analyzing the size changes of thedetected feature points, combined with the expansion ratios of the convex hullconstructed around the detected feature points from consecutive frames. Then,by comparing the area ratio of the obstacle and the position of the UAV, themethod decides if the detected obstacle may cause a collision. Finally, thealgorithm extracts the collision-free zones around the obstacle, and combiningwith the tracked waypoints, the UAV performs the avoidance maneuver. (III)Navigation Guidance, which generates the waypoints to determine the flight pathbased on environment and the situated obstacles. Then provide a strategy tofollow the path segments and in an efficient way and perform the flightmaneuver smoothly. (IV) Visual Servoing, to offer different control solutions (FuzzyLogic Control (FLC) and PID), based on the obtained visual information; inorder to achieve the flight stability as well as to perform the correctmaneuver; to avoid the possible collisions and track the waypoints. All theproposed algorithms have been verified with real flights in both indoor andoutdoor environments, taking into consideration the visual conditions; such asillumination and textures. The obtained results have been validated againstother systems; such as VICON motion capture system, DGPS in the case of poseestimate algorithm. In addition, the proposed algorithms have been comparedwith several previous works in the state of the art, and are results proves theimprovement in the accuracy and the robustness of the proposed algorithms.Finally, this dissertation concludes that the visual sensors have theadvantages of lightweight and low consumption and provide reliable information,which is considered as a powerful tool in the navigation systems to increasethe autonomy of the UAVs for real-world applications.


1. 引言

2. 最新研究进展

3. 基于单目视觉的位姿估计

4. 基于单目视觉的障碍物检测

5. 用于无人机的视觉伺服控制

6. 结论与未来工作展望





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