How to compute by Gaussian 03? 1. Upload "xxx.gjf" to your folder. 2. Perform "g03 xxx.gjf &" in your folder. 3. See your tasks by "jobs", it's running. Ok!
How to run a Fortran code? 1. Upload "xxx.f90" to your folder. 2. Perform "gfortran xxx.f90 -o xxx" in your folder. 3. Perform "./xxx &". 4. See your tasks by "jobs", it's running. Ok!
How to stop a running task? 1. Perform "ps" or "top", find the "pid" corresponging to the task you want to stop. 2. Perform "kill -9 pid", if not, perform "kill -15 pid". 3. See your tasks by "jobs", it disappears. Ok!