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大语言模型出现后还有必要作作业与考试吗? 精选

已有 4188 次阅读 2023-6-15 19:46 |系统分类:教学心得

2022年11月 OpenAI 发布了ChatGPT。ChatGPT是通过对1750亿条数据的预训练学习而产生的一个生成式语言模型,使用者不需要技术基础,可以在手机、电脑上实现文字输入问题,文字输出答案。于是,ChatGPT自豪地认为‘’由于它可以访问大量的信息,因此可以快速地对各种各样的问题提供准确而详细的回答“,在网络课堂教学中,作业和开卷考考卷设计常用的名词解释与问答题模式,已经不再是明智的考试方式。



A monkey species in China has the following population parameters and habitat statutes:

1.        The populations of the monkey species have shown a trend of apparent increase during the past 50 years; now, the monkey species has a total of 188-220 populations.

2.        The total number of monkeys of the monkey species is 22,710.

3.        The distribution area of the monkey species remained stable overall and showed a trend of expansion in some areas. The Area of Occurrence of the monkey species is 55,355.93 km2.

4.        Since 1990, the construction of protected areas in the country has accelerated; the area of the protected area established for the monkey species is 20,744.93 km2.

5.        The number and area of protected areas with the distribution of the monkey species have more than doubled. The percentage of the monkey population in protected area is 95%.

Do you classify the monkey as a Threatened Species according to the IUCN Red List Criteria for Threatened Species? Why?




1. 近50年来,该猴种的种群数量呈明显增长趋势; 现在,该猴种共有188-220个种群。

2. 该猴种的个体总数为22,710只。

3. 该猴种分布区域总体上保持稳定,局部地区有扩大趋势。该猴种出现面积为55355.93平方公里。

4. 自1990年以来,全国保护区建设加快; 该猴种保护区面积为20744.93平方公里。

5. 有这种猴分布的保护区数量和面积增加了一倍多。该猴种生活在保护区的猴群比例达95%。


你是否根据世界自然保护联盟濒危物种红色名录标准将猴子列为濒危物种? 为什么?



“To classify the monkey species as a threatened species according to the IUCN Red List Criteria, we need to assess its conservation status based on several factors. The IUCN Red List Criteria take into account population size, population trends, distribution area, and the availability and effectiveness of conservation measures.

Based on the provided information, let's analyze each criterion:

Population size: The total number of monkeys in the species is 22,710. While this number does not give us a clear indication of the population size in relation to the IUCN Red List thresholds, it can still be considered relatively significant.

Population trend: The monkey species has shown a trend of apparent increase over the past 50 years. This indicates a positive population trend, which is generally a positive sign for species conservation.

Distribution area: The Area of Occurrence for the monkey species is 55,355.93 km2, and it has shown some expansion in certain areas. This suggests that the species has a relatively large distribution range, which is favorable for its long-term survival.

Protected areas: The monkey species benefits from the establishment of protected areas, which have more than doubled in number and area since 1990. The percentage of the monkey population in protected areas is high (95%), indicating a significant level of conservation efforts.

Considering the information provided, the monkey species does not appear to meet the criteria for being classified as a threatened species according to the IUCN Red List. It shows a positive population trend, a relatively large distribution range, and benefits from a significant percentage of its population being protected within designated areas. However, a comprehensive assessment by experts in the field is necessary to make an accurate determination of the species' conservation status.“





种群规模: 该猴种的总数为22,710只。虽然这个数字并没有给一个与世界自然保护联盟红色名录阈值相关的种群规模的明确指示,但它仍然可以被认为是相对显著的。

种群趋势: 在过去的50年里,该猴种的数量呈现出明显的增长趋势。这表明了一个积极的种群趋势,这通常是物种保护的积极迹象。

分布面积: 该猴种的发生区面积为55355.93km2,并在部分地区有一定的扩展。这表明该猴种的发生区面积范围相对较大,有利于其长期生存。

保护区: 该猴种受益于保护区的建立,自1990年以来,保护区的数量和面积都增加了一倍多。生活在保护区内猴子种群的比例很高(95%),表明保护的水平很高。




AI时代开卷考试如何命题?我在上一篇博客中即提出了问题。在期末开卷考试时,我是这样解决这一问题的:利用ChatGPT尚没有开放输入图形的特点设计了试卷:请学生们看图答卷。第一道题是来自Our World in Data的一张关于全球哺乳动物生物量的图,要求学生看图得出结论。





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2 郑永军 朱朝东

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