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Chemical Society Reviews 内封面文章

已有 8364 次阅读 2012-10-22 12:11 |系统分类:论文交流| 纳米材料, 太阳能电池, 量子点, 稀土发光材料, 镧系发光

最近,我们在Chemical Society Reviews 上发表了题为Enhancing solar cell efficiency: the search for luminescent materials as spectral converters 的综述。http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2013/CS/C2CS35288E

Photovoltaic (PV) technologies for solar energy conversion represent promising routes to green and renewable energy generation. Despite relevant PV technologies being available for more than half a century, the production of solar energy remains costly, largely owing to low power conversion efficiencies of solar cells. The main difficulty in improving the efficiency of PV energy conversion lies in the spectral mismatch between the energy distribution of photons in the incident solar spectrum and the bandgap of a semiconductor material. In recent years, luminescent materials, which are capable of converting a broad spectrum of light into photons of a particular wavelength, have been synthesized and used to minimize the losses in the solar-cell-based energy conversion process. In this review, we will survey recent progress in the development of spectral converters, with a particular emphasis on lanthanide-based upconversion, quantum-cutting and down-shifting materials, for PV applications. In addition, we will also present technical challenges that arise in developing cost-effective high-performance solar cells based on these luminescent materials.



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