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(211)function-derived treatment options

已有 1669 次阅读 2019-5-5 19:36 |系统分类:生活其它

Functional Behavioral Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Third Edition

Ennio Cipani, PhD

pages 161-184

premack contingency option

in this option,the desired reinforcer is produced following the client's successful compliance to a designated regimen of tasks or demands.

the premack principle designates a relationship between a high-probability behavior(i.e., engaging in desired event)and a low-probability behavior(i.e.,complying with certain task demands).

contrasting replacement function options for an socially mediated access diagnosis

requesting behaivor option(client sings/says/points to picture icon requesting food)

alternate form reinforcement(client gets food item and prepare it to eat)

delay of gratification training(client goes without engaging in self-injury for some period of time and then is allowed to request food)

premack contingency(client performs designated number of tasks and then is allowed to access food item(possibly after a request has also occurred)

replacement function options for direct escape problem behaviors

there are four replacement function options when treating a problem behavior serving a direct escape function

alternate direct escape form replacement option:identify a alternate acceptable behavior that also produces escape from the aversive situation,such a behavior should not be inappropriate or dangerous but does directly and immediately produce escape from the aversive condition in a more socially disirable manner.

對於壞掉的食物,口感不好的食物,不喜歡吃的食物可以吐到紙巾上包好或者到🚽吐掉,沖乾淨,這樣的行為是允許的,spitting food out is unacceptable


escape mand replacement option:the protesting or negotiating response is mediated by teacher,staff,or others by their removing or postponing the aversive condition from the client or removing the client from the aversive condition.

tolerance training replacement option(i.e.,differential negative reinforcement of other behavior):identify a length of time that you want the individual not to perform the target behavior,that is,he "tolerate"the aversive condition for a designated period of time,the nonoccurrence of the target behavior or the differential negative reinforcement of other behavior interval period provides for the child or client to escape or avoid the aversive event(either by request or by direction of staff)

premack contingency replacement option:identify a regime of tasks that,when completed, allows the client to escape the aversive condition or situation 

there are several considerations when utilizing the premack optiion for escape-motivated behaviors.once the student has finished the assigned tasks,he or she gets free time(access to proferred activitys)for a designated period of time.it is unacceptable for the teacher or staff to provide addtional tasks in this break period,second,one needs to make certain that the students is capable of performing the assigned tasks,third,start with a small number of tasks initially to ensure you don't burn out the student before he or she is able to finish those tasks.

replacement function options for socially mediated escape problem behaviors

there are four replacement function options when treating a problem behavior that is maintained by socially mediated escape of negative reinforcement.

extinction burst for socially mediated escape problem behaviors

the target problem behavior may occur in bursts when an extinction condition is imposed

protesting behaviors across different socially mediated escape categories

target behavior:self-injury

hypothesized maintaining contingency

unpleasant social situation-another student tantrums in a class for students with autism

student raise hand when feeling uncomfortable,and is remove by staff from the area where all the screaming is going on

length task-student is in a 30mins story time

student signs "enough",and staff take the student out of the story time to engage in play sills training

difficult task-student is presented with a vocal language task in which the student is capable of making only four sounds

student signs"help,"and the teacher helps with signing the word instead of pressing for vocal response

aversive sitmulus-student is given a peanut butter sandwich that has meat on it

student raises hand to alert teacher of need to communicate,points to the peanut butter sandwich,and signs"no."teacher then removes sandwich and,upon inspection,sees the problem

protesting is not always an acceptable alternate replacement behavior

if the child is incapable of competently performing the specific requirements of the assignment,all the reinforcement in the world,or removal thereof,will be of little utility, contigency rearrangement"works" only if the behavior to be increased is in the current repertoire in the form required for such reinforcement.

cipani replacement function classification system

misdirected contingency problems(failure to make alternate behavior more functional than problem behavior)

question for misdirected contingency diagnosis

1.does an appropriate replacement behavior occur at all,under the same or similar conditions as the problem behavior?record both the occurrence of the target problem behavior as well as any occurrence of an alternate replacement behaivor when the motivation condition is present(i.e.,state fo depervation or state of aversion)

2.if the client performed the appropriate behavior recently,was it successful?was the behavior effective at producing either access to a desired activity or escape from an aversive situation

3.does the problem behavior appear to be maintained because the reinforcement contingencies are of the greater density for the problem behavior relative to the replacement behavior?

4.if the problem behavior was eliminated,would the alternate replacement behavior exist in the client's repertoire?would it increase in frequency if reinforced

5.does the rate of the replacement behavior vary across time,ranging from low levels on some days or time periods to some-days on which there is an adequate level of the behavior

inept repertoire problems(skill deficit with respect to form and/or accuratecy,and fluency of performance)

communication deficits often translate into a person's inability to produce an appropriate 滿many children and adult clients,particularly individuals with severe disabilities,often engage in the problem behavior because of the lack of alternate appropriate behaviors in their repertoire.response to allow care agents to meet the individual's needs.aberrant behaivors such as self-abuse,tantrums,and aggression often fill the void and eventually result in the delivery of the desired reinforcer.

the client may not be capable of communicating to the staff that he or she does not understand the task,that the number of demands is excessive,or some other such factor, the staff understand that aggression should not function to escape demands,but they are not aware that more acceptable forms to protest,negotiating,or requests for help need to be taught to the client.

questions for an inept replacement diagnosis

1.doese the appropriate replacement behavior occur at a zero or nonexistent level across time and stimulus conditions?

2.does the replacement behavior occur,but not at a fluent level that produce reinforcement

3.under the best circumstances,does the client appear unable to perform the alternate replacement behavior either in topography,level,or fluency/

faulty discrimination problems(lace of generalization to relevant situations)

questions for faulty discrimination diagnosis

1.does the replacement behaivor occur under one or just a few antecedent conditons?

2.does it not occur under other relevant antecedent conditons?

diagnosing the current strength of the behavior or behavioral criteria designated for the replacement function is just as necessary as the prior assessment and diagnostic activities for the problem behavior

it is critical to understand the nature and extent of the replacement behavior in the client's current repetoire


上一篇:(210)function-derived treatment options
下一篇:(212)functional behavioral treatment protocols
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